Notes used in the Message


08-0220 – The Book of Revelations Pt.50 (The Voice Is A Thunder) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.



  2    And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.



  14    The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.



Now the Greek word for revelation is "apocalypse" which means "unveiling". This unveiling is perfectly described in the example of a sculptor unveiling his work of statuary, exposing it to the onlooker. It is an uncovering, revealing what was previously hidden. Now the uncovering is not only the revelation of the Person of Christ, but it is THE REVELATION OF HIS FUTURE WORKS IN THE ONCOMING SEVEN CHURCH AGES.




Revelation 1:12, "And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks." John does not say that he turned to see the one whose voice he heard, but he turned to see the voice. Oh, I like that. He turned to see the voice. The voice and the person are one and the same. Jesus is the WORD. John 1:1-3, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." If you can ever get to really see the Word you will be seeing Jesus.



  137-4  {139}    Now, the Seal. Let's just read it a little bit now. I--I want to--to get this... Just we'll read it. I get to talking. I...

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals... (What happened?)... and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder...

Oh, how I'd like to dwell on that just a few minutes. I hope now that all the people that know these things and are waiting for the consolation of the Lord will now study real close, and on the tapes also that you'll think of this. The first thing happened... When that Lamb broke that First Seal, a thunder roared.

Now, that's got a significance; it's got--it's--it's a--it's--it's got a meaning. It's a meaning. Nothing happens without a meaning. All right, a thunder, a thunder roared. Wonder what that thunder was?



  138-1  {142}    Now, let's read a little bit. Let's turn to Matthew... No, let's take St. John first, St. John, 12th chapter and just hold it a minute: St. John, the 12th chapter, and now let's begin with the 23rd verse of St. John 12. Now, listen here now real close; then you won't have to wonder no more what it is.

And Jesus answering them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

See, you're at the end of an age there. His ministry is ending. See? "

... The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more? The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out." And besides that, He raised up His hand and swore that time would be no more when this happened. How--how perfect it is, a sworn affidavit to the Church.

... The hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there... also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Now, is my soul troubled;...



  138-3  {145}    You say, "Well, Him coming to the end of the road and you got trouble? What does it make you think when some great spiritual something happens that troubles you? Oh, my.

Now, is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this--unto this hour.

Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

The people said... that stood by, that heard it, they said... it thundered:...



  139-1  {146}    Then when the Lamb took the Book and broke that First Seal, God spoke from His eternal throne to say what that Seal was to be revealed. But when it's placed before John, it was in a symbol. When John saw it, it was still a mystery. Why? It wasn't even revealed right then. It cannot be revealed until what He said here at the end time. But it come in a symbol.

When the thunder... Remember, a loud clapping noise of a thunder is the voice of God. That's what the Bible said (See?), a clap of thunder. They thought it was a thunder, but it was God. He understood it, for it was revealed to Him. See? It was a thunder.

And notice, the First Seal opened--the First Seal when it was open in the symbol form it thundered. Now, what about when it's opened in its reality form?



  139-3  {148}    It thundered as soon as the Lamb struck back the Seal. And what did it reveal? Not all of Itself. First it's with God; next It's in a symbol; then It's revealed: three things. See? It's coming forth from the throne. First It can't be seen, heard, or nothing. It's sealed up. The Lamb's Blood paid the price. It thundered when He spoke it out. And when He did, a white horse rider started out. And it still was a symbol.



  139-6  {152}    The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor. Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne... Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends.

We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would raise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with Me on My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." See?





  141-1  {160}    Left the Father's throne to take His own throne... He now has come forth from His intercessory work to claim His own throne, His redeemed subjects. That's what He come forth from the throne to do. It is then that the Lion-like creature said to John, "Come, see." Watch. Now, you reading it?

... one of the seals, and it..., as if it was the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts...

You know what the beasts were. We took them; one like a lion, one like a calf, and one like a man, and one like an eagle. Now, this first beast said... Watch; each time there's a different beast till them four horse riders pass. There's four beasts, and there's four horse riders.

Notice, each one of them beasts announce: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We're going to get back in and prove which one Matthew; Mark; which one Mark--Mark; which one was John, each one as they went.



  141-4  {162}    No...?... One of the beasts saying, "Come, see." He heard the noise of a thunder, and one of the beasts said, "Now, come, see." In other words, here stands the Lamb, and John standing out there watching it happen. And the Lamb come up from the throne like He'd been slain, blood all over Him. He was the One that was found worthy, and when He reached over and took the Book, then everything begin to shouting, and screaming, and carrying on (You see?), 'cause they know redemption was paid for.



  141-5  {165}    Now, He's come to claim His Own. So He takes the Book, stands out there before John, and He pulls it back, and breaks the Seal, pulls the Seal down; and when He pulls the Seal down, a thunder clapped through the place. And when a thunder clapped, no doubt John might've jumped up in the air, when a thunder roared; and then one of the four beasts said, "Now, come and see what it is, what's revealed beneath here. (Oh, my.) John, write what you see."

So John goes to look, see what it was. John goes to see what the thunder said. It's then that this creature told John come and see what the mystery is under the First Seal. The thunder, the voice of the Creator has uttered it. Now, He ought to know what's there. Amen. Oh, my.



  143-1  {173}    All right, and a thunder went off. John knew it was the Voice of God. And then the--the lion-like creature said, "Come, see what it was," and John went forth now with his pen to write what he was going to see.

Now, he never seen exactly what it was. He never understood it, but what he saw was what God was sending to the Church for a time. Now, He's got... He will; He always does; He makes it plain when it's time to make it plain. But He didn't make it plain then. Why? Because He was going to keep it a secret until the last days, and the sounding of the last angel's message was to gather up these mysteries (See?); didn't make it clearer.



  155-4  {262}    Now, let us find the symbols. We found out what the thunder means. That's perfectly; we know that. See? The thunder was the Voice of God when the Seal opened.

Now, what does the white horse mean? Now, here's where the revelation comes. I'm just as positive of this as I'm standing here knowing this is the Word. I've read every book on it I could find. And with a... I... The last time that I was--tried to go through it, just teaching it, about thirty years ago, I took the book... Somebody had told me that the Adventists had more light on the second coming of Christ than any people that they knowed, so I found some of their good books to read them. I got Smith's book on "Daniel's Revelation." And he said this white horse that went forth was white, and it symbolized a conqueror, and in this conquering... Many of you Adventist brethren here knows the book, and many of you others also by reading it. And others, I read two or three of... I read when the... I can't call... There's two more books read, and both men agreed that that was right. That was fine teachers, supposed to be some of the best with the best light. So I thought, "Well, if I don't know, I'll just say what they said, try to teach it that way." And they give a very good explanation of it, what it really meant.