Notes used in the Message


08-0206 – The Book of Revelations Pt.47 (Final Form Before The Rapture) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.



  2    And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?



  3    And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.



  4    And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.



  5    And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.



  6     ¶  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.



  7    And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.






A momentary consideration of church history will prove how accurate this thought is. In the Dark Ages the Word was almost entirely lost to the people. But God sent Luther with the WORD. The Lutherans spoke for God at that time. But they organized, and again the pure Word was lost for organization tends toward dogma and creeds, and not simple Word. They could no longer speak for God. Then God sent Wesley, and he was the voice with the Word in his day. The people who took his revelation from God became the living epistles read and known of all men for their generation. When the Methodists failed, God raised up others and so it has gone on through the years until in this last day there is again another people in the land, who under their messenger will be the final voice to the final age.



  E-46    Oh, what Pentecost needs is a good Bible lesson, good teaching; then you wouldn't need so much going on. See? Jesus Christ was the Son of God. He had the Spirit without measure. You believe that? In Him never dwelt just a part of God, but all of God was in His Son Christ Jesus. He was the Fulness of the Godhead bodily. All of God was poured out in Christ. All that God was was in Christ. And all that Christ is, He poured out on the Church. But you keep refusing it. See? The things that... "If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not. And as the Father has sent Me (How did the Father send Him? The Father sent Him, went with Him and in Him.), so send I you."



  E-3    Now, tonight [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] Pardon me. I will not speak but just a little while tonight, because we're fixing to run a prayer line to pray for the sick. Therefore, since I have left, I've been in prayer. And I... Most time in going into these meetings, when you got long meetings, I do not eat or anything, just fast, and pray, and wait on the Lord. It's an anointing, an Angel of the Lord. And it's not the anointing of preaching, because it works under a different gift.

There's many different gifts that God has to His Church. But they're all for the perfecting of the Church to bring together in unity the great Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the powers that was in Christ has been given to His Church. All that God was, He poured into Christ. And Christ was God manifested on earth. And all that Christ was, He poured into His Church. And all the powers that God had rested in Christ, and the fulness of Christ rests in His Church. So what a people this should be.



  E-38    Placing of a son... Take him out in a certain place, have a ceremony before Angels, and place him positionally what he is in the body of Christ. Then that person has the authority. Let me say this, if you count me a fanatic from this night on. That very same thing that I'm speaking of will be done. There'll be a power put into the Church, and now is coming in, that the Holy Spirit will so anoint the people, till they'll speak the Word and It'll create Itself right there. We haven't seen powers like's coming into the Church now. I know it for a fact.

"Say unto this mountain be moved. Don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said shall come to pass, you can have what you have said.": the placing of the Church in position, where the fulness of the power of the Holy Ghost comes into the Church. Then critics mouths will be shut. It'll be a short time. Jesus come right off the mountain, went straight to Calvary. Notice, it won't last long, but it'll be here.



  185    Far above... principalities... powers... might... dominion, that--that every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

And has put all things under his feet, and has given him to be the head over all things to the church,

Which is his body,...

Now, if my body has the power over all things, then what my body is, is what I am. Is that right? That's what I am; that's what you know me as. Is that right? Well, then, all that God was, He poured into Jesus, for He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. Is that right? And all that Jesus was, He poured into the church. "These things that I do, shall you do all things--also. Even greater than this shall you do, for I go to the Father."

Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.



  E-48    So Moses had this Red Sea Conference, received orders and marched on. There was another conference I liked... I got a dozen of them wrote down here, but I wanted to hurry to one now.

There was a Gethsemane Conference one time, where Jesus as a Man... Jesus was the Son of God, created Son of God. God overshadowed Mary, and created a Blood cell in her that brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus. And God came down and dwelt in Him; in Him was the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

First Timothy 3:16 said, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels (and so forth) received up into heaven." Oh, God... Not a prophet, God made flesh and dwelled among us. There He was, Emmanuel. The Holy Spirit called Him Emmanuel, "God with us." And now it's God in us, the same Spirit. We receive It by portion, measure; He received it without portion or measure. In Him was the fulness of God. All that God was He poured into Christ, and all Christ was poured over the Church. Amen. "That day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, and I in you, and you in Me." Oh, my, when it comes that day. Now, we're working on, got orders--just keep moving.



  129    But, remember, Abraham did not represent any of those; he was not a city. He was looking for a Kingdom, (Uh-huh.), and he had a group with him. And there was One of the three that stayed behind and showed him a sign of Who He was, with His back turned to the tent, and knowed what Sarah said in the tent, a discernment of spirit. Jesus plainly saying, now remember that was... There was not one more sign done until Sodom was burned. The last thing that the church is going to see, is Christ manifested in His power, in fulness, in His church, just before the fire falls. Remember, Lot was the one the fire fell from the sky. Not--not back in the days of Noah, the water came. But Christ expressed what type of ministry would be in the days of Lot, and now we see the Holy Spirit moving among His church in the same manner. We find it in the Laodicea condition, just as it was then.



  113    And now, we've left the Pentecostal age. Now, we are coming to where like in the pyramid. Not pyramid doctrines now, but I mean like as the pyramid. The Headstone when it comes to fit, it's got to be honed. There's got to be a ministry in the Church, the true Church of the living God to where when the Headstone comes, Christ, or the ministry of Christ, and Christ will fit right in together perfectly. Then that brings back the redeemed to take the whole House of God to glory; the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian, through the great reformation ages, that come out and gave their lives in persecutions and things for the Kingdom of God. But that Stone is coming. Yes, sir. It certainly will come. God will send it. It'll fit all the Building together upon it. See?

Now, we see these signs, as we see the ministry from Christ beginning to narrow up now to the complete ministry of Christ in the Fulness of the Holy Spirit. Under Luther it was same Holy Spirit, justification; then sanctification under Wesley, the messages; then the baptism of the Holy Spirit, making three. Three, not three steps of grace, but three stations, I might call it.



  47    Now, you see, we are not a divided people; we've got to be in unity, because each one of us holding a part of God. And we must come together, and then the Pillar of Fire is manifested in the wholeness in the fulness of It. When His Church sets together in heavenly places, then the fulness of the power of God is in His Church. Each one of us holding spiritual gifts and spiritual offices, coming together, brings that Pillar of Fire back again.

And Paul recognized that being the Lord, and he said, "Lord, Who are You, if I'm persecuting You?"

He said, "I'm Jesus, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks."

And Paul was commanded to rise and go down in the street called Straight. And there was a prophet there who came up by the name Ananias, oh, saw a vision, and baptized him. And he was went down into Arabia for three years to study the Scriptures to see about what this Pillar of Fire was that appeared to him.



  112    And when Christ was being formed in Mary, quickly come the king's commandment, "All you people..." Just as she was... The Christ was becoming a full baby, ready to be delivered, right then the great persecution.

Now, the--the baby's been formed for a long time, along in the womb. But this is coming the last days when the completeness, when the Fulness of the Godhead, when the Fulness of Christ is to be manifested among His people. He said so; He promised it in His Word. And when that Fulness (You see?), there is unusual things begin to happen, that He promised. That's the reason our great social lives and things can't understand that; it's foolishness to them.

Now, watch, they're forming a Council of Churches. See? Just the time when the Church is begin to get to Its feet, where the Supernatural is begin to work, now they've all went into a group, and now they're going to try to stop this stuff, just exactly like it was then.




  52    If you notice here in Philippians he said, "Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man..."

Now, the Greek word there for that form, I've been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of "en morphe." It's spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek to find out what "en morphe" was... I may pronounce that wrong, but I... Reason I spell it, when if the tape is released, the people will, scholars will know what I--I mean by it. He... When the "en morphe"... That means that "He changed Hisself." He--He come down. Now, the Greek word there means that "something that could not be seen, yet it's there, and then it's changed, and the eye can catch it." See?



  54    Like Elijah was at Dothan. See, the--the servant couldn't see all those Angels around there, and God just changed, not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See? They... He changed the seeing. The--the thing is already there.

So that what I'm trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He--He... This en morphe, He--He changed Himself to what He was, to what He is, or His mask, another act.



  68    Notice. Now, He came first as the Prophet, and they crucified Him. His own crucified Him. He came as the Son of man.

Then after the Holy Spirit came, He was then the Son of God. God is a Spirit. He was the Holy Spirit: Son of God. He lived through the church ages as Son of God.

Now, in the millennium He'll be Son of David setting upon the throne of His father David. He is the Son of David now.

And remember, between the Son of God... In the Laodicea church age they put Him out. And in Luke He said that He would be revealed again as Son of man, the prophet, fulfilling the rest of it. See? The Scriptures tie perfectly together. Son of man, Son of God, Son of David, what was it? It's the same God all the time, just changing His form, en morphe. He just changed it. It's a great drama to Him; He's acting it out.



  6-3    And we find that Jehovah of the Old Testament was just Jesus of the New Testament. And--and Dr. Scofield here, we find that his word changing from form, we find the word "en morphe" in Greek, which means "the unseen was made visible." Something that cannot... We know it's there. It could be--cannot be seen, but yet, we know that it's there. And when He changed His form of the en morphe, which means that He changed from supernatural to natural... And He just changed His mask.

And otherwise, it's like a drama; He was acting. In--in the Greek when they would change their mask, maybe one play--one player might've acted in several different parts. And my daughter (present here)... They just had at the high school, a--a drama. And they... One boy, that I knowed, played about four parts, but he would go behind the stage and change his--his mask in order to come out to impersonate another character.



  15-1    In Joel 2:28 He promised that in these last days there would be a latter rain poured out upon the people in the last days. I think the Greek word there is "kenos," which means that "He emptied Hisself out," not in the way that we would say, like something was inside of somebody that had emptied out, but He poured Himself out. He changed His en morphe. He--He changed from what He was to what He is. He never changes His nature.

But on the day of Pentecost He changed Himself from being the Son of man to the Son of God. He came, not with the people, He came in the people (See?), the same God to carry His ministry on through in this great age.



  99    Notice it; notice, just... She was not the Seed; Mary was not, just a shuck, tassel, and stalk, carriers of part of the Word, not all the Word. Luther had justification. Wesley had sanctification. Pentecostals had the restoration of the gifts. But when the Word come... Now, they could produce that, that justification will save a man. You believe that? Sure. It's a carrier of the Word, the same as I believe the stalk is part of the wheat. Sure it is. But it's a carrier. It ain't the life. Then along come sanctification. How many believes in sanctification? You believe the Bible you have to. Sure. So still that's not... It's a little more like... That's two more words. But then come the Pentecost, the restoration of the gifts. Speaking in tongues, they call it the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. There they call that the initial evidence, which brought forth the what? The shuck. But they denominated. But when you come to say, "I and My Father are One," and these other things, then the shuck pulls away from it. But the real genuine Bride church will bring forth the entire Word of God in Its fulness in the midst...?... for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.



  40    And now the Greek word "En morphe" mean that he changed His mask. And that's what God did. It's the same God all the time. God in the form of the Father, the--the Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, the same God was made flesh and dwelt among us: "En morphe," brought out so He could be seen. And now, that same God is the Holy Ghost. Father, Son, Holy--not three Gods, three offices, three acts of the one God.

The Bible said there's one God, not three. But that's how that they couldn't... You can't get this straightened out and have three gods. You'd never sell a Jew that; I tell you that, one who knows better; he knows there's only one God.



  42    Notice, like the sculptor, he hides with a--a mask over it. That's what God's done to this age. It's been hid. All these things has been hid, and is supposed to be revealed in this age. Now, the Bible says they would be revealed in the latter times. It's like a sculptor keeping his--his piece of work all covered over until the time he takes the mask off of it and there it is. And that's what the Bible has been. It has been a work of God that's been covered up. And it's been hid since the foundation of the world, and its sevenfold mystery, and God promised in this day, at the age of this Laodicea church, He would take the mask off the whole thing and we could see it.

What a glorious thing, God, "En morphe", masked in a Pillar of Fire, God, "En morphe" in a Man called Jesus, God, "En morphe" in His church: God above us, God with us, God in us, the condescending of God. Up there holy, no one could touch Him; He settled upon the mountain, and even if a animal touched the mountain, had to die. And then God come down and changed His tent, and He come down and lived with us, become one of us, and we held Him. The Bible said, I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh," handled with hands. God eat meat. God drank water. God slept. God cried. He was one of us: beautiful, typed in the Bible. That was God above us, God with us; now it's God in us, the Holy Spirit, not the third person, the same Person.



  67    There He is with them Angels, the message, which was the seven--breaking of them seven seals that revealed serpent's seed and all these things here. And it shows that it is His very covering; it's His--it's His supreme authority. He is Supreme, and He's wigged or--or covered. The Bible said that He changed His countenance, or He changed Himself, en morphe. The word comes from the Greek word, "en morphe," which means "a Greek actor that plays many parts"; today he is one thing, in the next act he's something else. He was God the Father in one act; God the Son in another act; and He's God the Holy Ghost in this act. See? There He is; His Word is still Supreme. We're living in the last days.



  264    No leaven among you, that brings the entire Fulness of the Godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age, couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age; but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed, brought back the church together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet God (Oh, Glory.) promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated, in present tense.



  51    We're in a day now... Back there, they wasn't half as smart as today. They couldn't make an atomic bomb or an automobile. They didn't have science and things as we have now, but--and things of mysterious things. To try to say man blowed together by some dust and so forth, and take some analysis, and try to prove it to make infidels out of people... But now, when we need it, the Spirit of God raises a standard. What is it? He's pouring in His Spirit. Then those who are resting out yonder in the grave, or under the altar of God as the Scripture says, are crying, "How long, Lord? How long? How much longer?" God's waiting on me and you. The church is waiting on me and you: adoption time, when God can pour into us His Fullness, His power, His Resurrection, that when the church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us, and raises the dead, and we go into the rapture.