Notes used in the Message


08-0203pm – The Book of Revelations Pt.45 (Coming Forth of The Lamb) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.



  2    And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?



  3    And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.



  4    And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.



  5    And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.



  6     ¶  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.



  7    And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.




SHALOM_  PHOENIX.AZ  V-22 N-1  SUNDAY_  64-0119

  60    So many, good sincere people today, that's what burns their hearts. So many, good sincere people like Mary and Joseph. They were coming from the feast, and they missed Jesus. Many people do that same thing today, thinking that He's with them. Now, I want to place this little light to you to show you how infallible the Word of God is.

We all here, this afternoon, who are Christians, believe that Jesus Christ was God's Word manifested. We believe He was virgin born. He was a Tabernacle in which Almighty God tabernacled in here on earth: not just a prophet, not just an ordinary man, but God Himself manifested in the form of a man. He was Emmanuel, "God with us." We believe that with all of our heart.



  6-5    Now, if you will take the Old Testament prophecies concerning what the Messiah was to be, you can compare it with the life of Jesus, and you've got it exactly Who Jesus was. He was not just an ordinary man; He was God, en morphe. He was changed from--from the supernatural into the natural form of a man; yet He was God manifested in the flesh, veiled by a human, fleshly veil. And you watch the Old Testament...

I--I--I know that I'm speaking to a mixed up audience tonight from different parts of the world. And we are here to find out: what are we--what are we doing? What--what are we... Where we getting to? What's happening? What does all this mean?



  20-1    Then it was God... In them days it was God in a man, His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that. Not just a prophet, not just an ordinary man, ordinary human; It was God in Christ, God, in a man, the Fullness of the Godhead bodily in a man. God, in a man; now, it's God in men (See?), the fullness of God in the Godhead bodily in His entire Church, manifesting Himself, fulfilling His Word.



  143    So just then he said, an elder came forth or a strong Angel, said, "Weep not, for the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Amen.), the Root of David, He has prevailed," (Amen.) conquered, in other words. "And He's worthy to take the Book." Amen.

Remember, he hadn't seen Him up to this time. Why? He was setted on--seated on a throne in there, God's throne. He was on the inside of the sanctuary. He hadn't seen Him till this time, so John was expecting to see a--a Lion come forth, but he saw a Lamb.



  96-7  {194}    John hadn't noticed this Lamb before, you know here. He hadn't been mentioned before. Nowhere had it been mentioned. John didn't see It all over the heavens as he's looking, but here It come forth. Notice, where It came forth... Where did It come from? It come from the Father's throne where He had been seated since He had been slain and raised again. He raised up and set on the right hand of God, ever living to make intercessions. Amen. Raised there today as an Intercessor with His own Blood to make intercession upon the ignorance of the people. Now, oh, that's the One I'm depending on. He still was covered with bleach, the bleach of the forgiveness of sin.



  97-1  {196}    John looked at that Lamb, and the Lamb looked like He'd been slain. And then he noticed He was wounded, and cut, and bruised, and bleeding: a bloody Lamb. That's what took our place.

Isn't it strange a simple Lamb had to take our place? And he saw the Lamb. He proceeded out; John hadn't saw Him, because He had been way back into the eternities, even making intercession and showing that those who had come to God under the offering of the blood of bulls, of goats, a substitutionary offering, He also... 'Cause them who believed it pointed to Him. And the Blood had not been shed yet, so He was there to clear them. He was there to clear you and I. And oh, God, I hope He's there tonight. For every sinner, the Lamb been slain.



  97-3  {198}    How can Jehovah see anything but that bloody Lamb standing there? And the Lamb proceeded out into the vision now, as It had been slain. Notice: come from the Father's throne... Oh, think, He... Where did He advance from, to this vision? He come from glory where He's seated at the right hand of God. He advanced forth to John out of glory.

Oh, would not it be a glorious thing if our sinful thoughts tonight could be laid aside long enough to accepting Him, He would advance all the way from glory tonight to make Himself known to anyone: the Lamb advancing from glory for intercessions (All right.) to make claims now for His redemption...



  107-2  {269}    He leaves the throne of--to be an Intercessor as a slain Lamb to be a Lion, King, to bring the world to judgment who has rejected His message. He's not a Mediator.

Remember the Old Testament teaching now, as we hurry. When the blood went off the mercy seat, what was it? Judgment seat. And when the Lamb slain walked forward from eternity out of the Father's throne and took His rights, it was a judgment seat. Then He become not a Lamb, but a Lion, King. And He calls for His Queen to come stand by His side. "Know ye not the saints shall judge the earth?"



  136-3  {131}    Now, a trumpet always denotes war or otherwise political disturbance: the trumpet does, a political disturbance, and that causes war. When you go to get messing in politics, you get them all messed up, like we got it now, look out, war is at hand.

But, see, the kingdom still belongs to Satan. He's still got this part in his hand because why? It is redeemed by Christ, but He's doing the part of the Kinsman Redeemer taking His subjects, until the last one name is put on that Book, has already received it and been sealed away. Now, do you got it? Then He comes from His throne, His Father's throne, walks forward, takes the Book out of God's hand from the throne and claims His rights. The first thing He does is call for His Bride. Amen. Then what does He take? He takes His opponent, Satan, and binds him, and casts him into the fire out there with all that followed him.

Now, remember, it wasn't Russia. No, the antichrist is a smooth fellow. Just watch how smooth he is. He's smart. Yes, sir. Just takes the Holy Spirit, only thing can outdo him.


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  88    Now, I want you to notice here. I'm looking right down at this 5th chapter, when he looked at it, "Fear not..." In this 5th verse, "Fear not..." See, always you don't want to get scared about anything.

... one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

... and, lo, behold, in the... lo, in the midst of the throne and... the four beasts,... in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb...

"A Lamb..." Why didn't he see the Lamb before? The Lamb had been seated on the Father's throne, inside the--the guards. John could not see into there; he only seen those four-headed--or those four beasts standing there, those four Cherubims standing there guarding that holy place. And we got it last Sunday, and over in the other lessons, that he seen that but he could not see what was beyond that. And in there, all at once, there appeared, just mysteriously, suddenly, there was One, a Lamb.

Now, it showed It was not a natural beast, lamb, because It took the Book out of the right hand of Him that set upon the throne; the lamb couldn't do that. See? He was--He was--He was a... Lamb was Christ. In other words, in His attributes He was meek and gentle like a lamb.



  9-2    Then we find, after His death, burial, and resurrection, He came on the day of Pentecost as Son of God--God, the Spirit, in the form, Holy Ghost. What was He doing? He was changing Himself, making Himself known to His people in a different form. Like the Holy Spirit, which is God, He came to deal through the church ages as Son of God, the Holy Spirit. But in the Millennium He comes as Son of David to set on the throne of David: King. He was to take the throne of David; He's on the Father's throne now. And then He said, "He that overcometh shall set with Me on My throne, as I've overcome and set on My Father's throne." So He--in the Millennium He'll be Son of David. What is it? The same God all the time just changing His--His mask.



  14-5    Now, He's been revealed through the church ages (Now, watch.), through the church ages as Son of God. God being a Spirit, the Holy Spirit, He revealed Himself in the church ages as--in the congregation, as the Holy Spirit among the people.

We find in Laodicea church age, the last church age, He's put out of the church. And nowhere else was He ever put out in any age, but in the Laodicea age. Because they said, "We're rich and have need of nothing."

"And know it not, that you're miserable, poor, naked, and blind, and don't know it."

He was put out of the church age, and then according to Luke 17, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, He was reading the same Genesis that we read. Notice in Sodom what taken place. What was it in Sodom? Abraham...



  25-1    John looked around, and there was no man in heaven, no man on earth, nobody, no Angel, nothing could take the Book or to loose the Seals or to even to look on It. No man was worthy. John said he wept bitterly. Then an Angel came to him, said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed, and He's worthy."

And John looked to see a Lamb--or see a Lion, and what did he find? A Lamb, and it was a bloody Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain. How long? Since the foundation of the world. The Lamb came forth, walked up to Him that had the Book in His right hand, and received the Book, climbed upon the throne and set down. That's it. It was over. When? When the seals was revealed. When the last one that was... Everything that He had redeemed, there was nothing... He come to redeem. Said, "Why didn't He redeem them forty years ago, two thousand years ago?" See?



  33    Bless this church, it's pastor, it's associates, and the deacons, trustees, all of its members, the visitors, strangers. They're not strangers, Lord. We're all Your children by grace and by Christ. And we pray that You'll give to us this morning the Bread of Life now, that we might go from here with the understanding that these requests that we asked has been granted to us.

Bless the Word, Lord, as I read It. There's no man that--that's able or sufficient to interpret that Word. John saw the Book in the hand of Him that set upon the throne, and there was no one in heaven, or on earth, or beneath the earth that was worthy to even look at the Book. But one of the elders said, "Behold, the Lan--the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed." John, looking to see a--a lion, he saw a Lamb that had been slain; a--a bloody Lamb come forth and took the Book, climbed upon a throne, and set down. And all the celebrity of heaven took their crowns from their heads and bowed and knowed He was worthy.

Lord, we pray that He'll come to the throne of our hearts this morning, climb up and take possession of every thought that we have, and take the Word, and speak to us, that we might know more about Him and His plan in our lives. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.