Notes used in the Message


08-0130pm – The Book of Revelations Pt.44 (Only One Worthy) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.



  2    And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?



  3    And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.



  4    And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.



  5    And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.



  6     ¶  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.



  7    And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.



  14     ¶  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;




  93-1  {159}    The Angel's call was a call for the Kinsman Redeemer to appear. God said, "I have a law, a Kinsman Redeemer can--can be a substitute." Where is that Kinsman Redeemer? Who's able to take it?

And it come from Adam all the way down through all the apostles, and prophets, and everything else, and nobody was found. Now, what about that? Nobody in heaven, nobody on earth, nobody that ever lived... Elijah was standing there. Moses was standing there. All the apostles were standing there of--of all the ones that had died, all the holy men, Job, the sages. Everyone was standing there, and nobody was worthy even to look at the Book, let alone take It and break the Seals.

Now, where's the pope and all these come in at? Where's your bishops? Where's our worthiness? We're nothing. That's right.






  93-3  {162}    He asked for the Kinsman Redeemer to step forward, if He could. But John said no man was worthy, not that there wasn't worthy people there. Now, like an Angel, like for instance we'd say Gabriel or Michael, but remember, it had to be a kinsman. Remember, John said here, "And no m-a-n," not Angel, not Seraphim; they hadn't sinned, but they were in a different category. They'd never fallen. But this had to be a kinsman redeemer. No man, 'cause there was none of them redeemed. No man was worthy to look at it. Oh, no, my, my.



  93-4  {164}    So it took a human kinsman; and he asked for it, and he wasn't found nowhere. There's nobody. No bishop, no archbishop, no priest, no hierarchy; no nothing was even a--that didn't even have the holiness enough to even look at the Book. Whew, my, my. That's pretty strong, but that's what the Bible said friend, I'm just quoting what John said.



  93-5  {165}    The Bible said that John wept, not as some people has taught it. I was hearing a man teach this one time; said, "John wept because that he found himself not worthy." Oh, any man under the Holy Spirit would know different from that (See?), under the inspiration of God would know different from that.



  94-1  {166}    But John wept. Here's what I think he wept for: because if no one was worthy and could open this Book of Redemption, the whole creation was lost. Here is the Book; here is the title deed; and It will be offered to the Kinsman Redeemer that can meet the qualifications. That's God's own law, and He can't defile His law--can't defy His Law, rather. See, God required a kinsman redeemer who was worthy, who was able to do it, who had the substance to do it. And the Angel said, "Now let that Kinsman Redeemer step forward."

And John looked, and he looked all over the earth; he looked beneath the earth, and there was nobody. Their creation and the--everything was lost. Of course, John wept; everything was lost.

His crying didn't last but just a minute though. Then there stood one of the elders said, "Don't weep, John." Oh, my. His crying didn't last but just a minute.

John thought, "Oh, my, where is the man? There stands the prophets; they was born like I was. There stands the sages; there stands... Oh, ain't there nobody here?"



  94-4  {172}    "I want a man that's able to do it. I want a man that can redeem," and he wasn't found. So John broke out; oh, everything was lost, and he wept bitterly. And he--he--he was sad, 'cause everything, the whole creation, everything was gone if they couldn't find somebody. Glory to God. If they couldn't find somebody that could meet that requirement, they--every human being, the whole world and creation was gone. All, everything had fallen. The--the--the rights of redemption, the rights of--of Eternal Life, a--the Light, or--all these rights had been forfeited, and there was nobody who could pay the price.



  94-5  {173}    And John started crying, 'cause no one was worthy, and no one could even look at the Book. Oh, it took a human being. John wept, because no one could do it, and everything was lost.

And there came a voice from one of the elders standing in the midst of the four beasts, and all that great host of heaven said, "Don't weep, John." (Oh, my, the grace of God.) "Don't be broken hearted, John. Don't weep, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root and Offspring from David, He has prevailed." "Prevail" means "wrestle with and overcome." Oh, my.

In the Garden of Gethsemane when His Blood dropped down out of His face, He was overcoming...?... The Lion of--and the Root of David has prevailed, has overcome.





  95-2  {179}    Like Jacob, being supplanter, and when he got in contact with the Angel, he held on. And the Angel tried to pull away. He said, "I--I'm just not going to let you go." He held on until he got what he wanted for, and his name was changed from "supplanter," which means "deceiver" to what? To a "prince with God, Israel." He prevailed.



  95-3  {180}    And this Lion of the tribe of Juda prevailed. He said, "Don't weep, John, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David has prevailed; He's already overcome. He's done it; it's over, John." Oh, my. He produced a bleach that sends sin on back to the greasy hands that the--with his wisdom that defiled it: the human being. Yes.



  95-4  {181}    But when John turned to look, he saw a Lamb. What a difference from a Lion. He said, "The Lion has prevailed." See, again I can use that there "God Hiding in Simplicity." He said, "He's a lion." That's the king of the beasts. The Lion has prevailed. The strongest thing there is is a lion.

I've laid out in the jungles in Africa and hear the--the giraffes squealing and--and the great mighty elephant with his trunk in the air, "Whee, whee, whee," and hear the--the--the savages of the desert screaming out their bloody curdle cries, and the--the beetles till... And Billy Paul and I laying in a little old place covered over with stickers and hear away off in a distance a lion roar, and everything on the desert shuts up. Even the beetles stop hollering. The king speaks. Oh, my.

Oh, I tell you, that's when denominations and doubts fall to the ground. Everything's keeps still when the King speaks. And this is the King. That's His Word.



  95-6  {184}    Oh, he said, "John, don't worry; don't cry; don't be broken up, John. I have you here in a vision; I'm showing you something. And I know you're all tore up, because, you know, it--it--it... there's nothing to be redeemed; everything's gone. There's nobody could meet the requirement, but the Lion of the tribe of Juda..." You know Judah's... We had it in--on the blackboard here, you know, the tribe of Judah's emblem was a lion.

Remember, the lion, the--and the ox, and the--and so forth, a head of the man and so forth, and then watching those Seraphims--that Word--while all Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John all stood around the Book of Acts.



  36    Now, there was nothing in the heaven that could've done it. You know, John looked in the--the book there, the Bible, we find that he saw there was no one upon the earth that was worthy to take the Book, the Book of Redemption. And there was nobody in heaven worthy, nobody that was beneath the earth, or nowhere, was able or worthy to take the Book, to loose the seals, or to even look on It. And he wept because in this Book was the Book of Redemption, His own name was in there, and nobody was worthy.

And then one of the elders said, "Fear not, for the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed, and He's worthy."

John looked then to see a--a lion, and he saw a Lamb. And it must've been a slain Lamb. It was a bloody Lamb. He said it was full of Blood, because it was a Lamb that had been slain. And a slain Lamb is bloody, of course, and had been slain from the foundation of the world. He came and took the Book. There was nobody else could do it.



  E-61    What was it? When God became a sinner, taking our sins. Jesus became me, that I might become Him. The innocent Lamb of God, He knowed no sin, became a sinner, that I might be made adopted son of God. Amen. There's the picture of true redemption: How He came down, worthy, robbed Hisself, no home, no place to go, humiliated Himself, brought Hisself down in sinful flesh, and took upon Him, not the nature of Angels, not the nature of God, took upon Himself the nature of man, that He might walk with man, eat with man, sleep with man, and die for man. There you are. The whole plan from the beginning, the spotless Lamb of God, there He is, the Bread of Life, here on earth.

Now, the next thing had to be done, a kinsman redeemer had to be kinfolks real close to the person, to redeem it. And the next thing had to be, that he had to be worthy to redeem it, righteous, a good person. Just an outlaw couldn't do it. And who'd be any more worthier that Jehovah Himself becoming flesh?