Notes used in the Message


08-0127pm – The Book of Revelations Pt.43 (The Book of Redemption) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.



  2    And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?



  3    And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.



  4    And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.



  5    And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.



  6     ¶  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.



  7    And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.


EXODUS 32:31

  31    And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.


EXODUS 32:32

  32    Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written.


EXODUS 32:33

  33    And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.


PSALMS 139:16

  16    Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all [my members] were written, [which] in continuance were fashioned, when [as yet there was] none of them.







  233-2  {30}    Now, He rises from the seat. First the announcement went forth for... "Who is able to come and--and take this Book of Redemption?" See? For the whole plan of redemption from Adam, all that Adam lost... There was nothing lost until Adam, and after Adam all was lost in the earth. And... Everything on the creation of the earth was lost, and everything fell with Adam, crossed the chasm that no one could get back, no way at all. Man, when he sinned, he left his way; he left no way back for himself.



  86-2  {116}    Now, oh, my. Now, the forfeited title deed is now in the hands of the original Owner, Almighty God. The title deed to the earth and to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it, then Satan's dirty hands could not take it; so it went back to its original Owner, God Himself. We're going to find it in just a minute; there He sets on the throne with it in His hand: the title deed. Oh, that makes me feel religious, friends. The title deed to Eternal Life, abstract title deed to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it for wisdom and instead of faith, it went back to the hands of the Owner: Almighty God. What a great thing.

All right, waiting... What's it doing? In the hands of God, waiting for redemption claims. He made a way of redemption. He made a way back, and someday the Redeemer is to take it back. You see where we're getting to now? We'll watch this Fellow setting upon the throne. All right.



  86-4  {117}    Waiting for redemption claims... Its redemption... What is this Book of Redemption, this title deed, abstract title deed? You say, "Abstract?" What does an "abstract" mean? Means "it's searched all the way back to its beginning." Like that little--like that little drop of ink this morning, when it struck that bleach, it went all the way back. And when sin has been confessed and fallen into the Blood of Jesus Christ, oh, my, it gives an abstract right straight back to the Creator again, and you become a son of God. Abstract title deed is held in the hand of the Almighty. Oh, my.



  86-5  {119}    Its redemption means all legal possession to all that was lost by Adam and Eve... Oh, my, what ought that to do to a borned again Christian. Its legal possession to the abstract deed, title deed of Eternal Life means that you possess everything that Adam and Eve lost. Whew. What of it, brethren? The possession of that deed...

Adam could not meet the requirements of redemption after he found he lost it. He had sinned and he'd separated himself from God and was on this side of the chasm, so he could not redeem it. He just couldn't do it, 'cause he was--he needed redemption himself; so he could not do it.



  44    Like someone was speaking the other day; he said, "God, what was He?" When He was back yonder, millions and millions of years ago, when He was no--just like this space here; and then He gathered up into the Logos; and then He came from the Logos down into Christ. See, it's just God coming down like this to the earth, then going right back into God again. Don't you see what I mean? Just revolving, coming down from space, from eternity; rolling together, coming down into the Logos, and the Logos down into man, then returning right back again for one purpose, to redeem that man that had fallen.

Now, that's what He came for, to be a Redeemer. And before God could be a Redeemer, He had to be, according to the law, a kinsman Redeemer. He had to be kinfolks to us.



  89-4  {138}    All right, in the Bible, in the Book of Ruth as you read it you'll find out such a person was called the goel, G-o-e-l, was called the goel, or it was a person that could meet the requirement; and the goel must be able to do it, must be willing to do it, and must be a kinsman, next to kinsman to do it. And God, the Creator of spirit, became kinfolks to us when He become man in order He could take our sin upon Him, and pay the price, and redeem us back to God again.

There it is. There is the Redeemer. Christ has redeemed us now. We are now redeemed, but He has not claimed His possession yet. Now, you might different with that, but just hold on a minute (See?); we'll see. See?



  90-1  {140}    He hasn't claimed it. See? If He took the Book of Redemption, everything that Adam had and everything that he lost, Christ redeems back; and He's already redeemed us, but He hasn't took the possession yet. He cannot until the time appointed, and then will come the resurrection, and then the earth will be renewed again, and then He will take possession, His possession which He got when He redeemed us, but will do it at the appointed time. Oh, my.

This is described in this seven-sealed Book that we're talking of now. All right. The Book of Redemption, it's all described in here. All that what Christ will do at the end will be revealed to us this week in the Seven Seals if God will let us. See? All right; it'll be revealed.



  159    You say, "I bought a piece of ground." It isn't yours yet until you got an abstract. But if you got a abstract, it shows that everything was ever against that piece of ground has been stricken off.

And then when you've become a Christian and accept Christ as your Saviour, then when God sends down the abstract, it shows that no matter what your father did, your mother did, what anybody else did; your mother, daddy might've been drunkards, prostitutes; whatever it was, every sin is stricken off. You've got an abstract title. There's nothing can put you off of it. And look, everything that's on that ground belongs to you. Amen. And when you're in Christ Jesus by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, every gift of God belongs in the church. It's a abstract title deed. You... It's yours; it belongs to you. It quickens your mortal bodies. Oh, my, if we'd think of it.



  21-2    Look, God had to same when He saw Jesus. It was a--it was a finished work that God finished with Jesus when He said, "It's finished." All the plan was finished. And when the Spirit of God comes upon you, and you truly are one of God's attributes that He spoken of... Now, if you're not, you'll wonder and flusterate, and run here, and there, and everything else, and never come to the knowledge of the Truth.

But if you are one of those, the old things pass away right quick (You see?), and you become new, and the plan of salvation is finished. You're ready to obey every Word that God ever spoke of you (See?) for you to do. You're submissive to His Word.

The contract, exactly, the abstract to the contract, the title deed belongs to you. The debts are all paid. It's all struck off, and as it was at the day of Pentecost.



  35-5    Like the Pentecostal experience today and the coming of the Holy Ghost in this last days was promised, is like the abstract to a title deed. See? Now, you can get a title. Sure. See? You can get a title to a place, but that still don't say it's yours. No, sir. Somebody way back yonder could come in and put a claim on it. But when you get an abstract, that shows that everything that's ever against it is struck off plumb back from the foundation. Is that right?

And when a man has said that he believes the Word, and then when the Holy Spirit comes, It is the Abstract to the title. And that gives you permission, when you have that Abstract, that every bit of that belongs to you, and everything's on it belongs to you. Amen.

And that gives us the Abstract, when the Holy Ghost comes upon this title deed that God saw back yonder 'fore the foundation of the world, and put it--name on the Book of Life, but was born through a man and woman, and subject to sin, and guilty of sin. But when I believed on It, I received the deed. But when the Holy Ghost come, It was the Abstract that everything against me, whether my mother done it, my father done it, my grandmother done it (like the little epileptic child I prayed for a few minutes ago, that come through from the grandparent--the epilepsy fell down and--upon the child, I said), but when the Abstract has come, It struck off, omitted everything. I'm a Abstract holder then. Amen. And as sure as the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, I have a Abstract deed that I'm part of that Body, with the Abstract of the Holy Ghost making that body of Word live out, just exactly like It did in Him as He promised in the last day: the Abstract.



  36-3    All my sins are struck out. All your sins are struck out by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is come as an Abstract to the title deed that God give me by grace by foreknowledge. Oh, my.

What you scared about? No wonder He said, "Fear not; I am He that was dead and alive again, and I'm alive forevermore and have the keys to death and hell. Don't worry about nothing; even death ain't going to hurt you."



  36-5    Notice. Beautiful. Let's go right quick now. The Abstract title. The debt is settled; everything against it has been struck off. Ha, ha, ha. Glory. I may act silly, but I feel good. Notice. See? Oh, an Abstract deed. Do you realize what that means? You realize what that means, brother? There's nothing can take it away from you. Amen. I am a holder. Amen.

What a--what deed? I have now cashed in on my beneficiary of His death, burial, and resurrection. He become me, that I might become Him. Now, He became a sinner that I might become a son (Amen.) and hold the Abstract deed, for "these signs shall follow them that believe," (See?), the Abstract deed.

Now, quickly, before... We got about ten minutes more. Let us now notice quickly, the quickening of the Spirit. Now, I'm going to show you some signs so that you'll understand. Look.