Notes used in the Message


08-0120pm – The Book of Revelations Pt.41 (The Book / Scene Unfolding) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.




  E-35    Then, as she journeyed on a little farther, she remembered also as they set out there on the--the porch and was talking, it was their custom to read the Scriptures on Sunday afternoon. So she goes back into the building and gets out the little basket and brings out the scrolls. Them days it wasn't in a book like this; it was scroll, one chapter by Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and all put on leather on a scroll and rolled up and put into a basket. They didn't have paper in those days. So they put it on leather that had been tanned out.

So, she said, "Joseph, you choose the scroll for this afternoon's reading, this Sunday afternoon."

And he said, "Oh, Mary, you reach in and get it, dear."

And she reached her pretty, little hands in as her eyes flashed. She picked up the scroll and hand it over to him.

He said, "You know, Mary, I would like to hear you read."


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  185    Now, oh, brother. I thought I was just... I'm going to have to leave her go till next time I get in here. I got about six pages here yet; or, no, we got a baptismal service coming up. Let me read this, couple of these little things right here: the year of Jubilee. All right.

Now, you--you all taking down Scriptures? In Jeremiah 32, and begin at the 6th verse if you--and when you get home, want to read it. Now, Jeremiah, to let you see what this scroll is, I'll get this out. Let's take the scroll anyhow. That'll give me about another ten minutes: of the scroll.

Now, you remember, this Book was sealed. Now, a book in the Bible times was not a four-cornered book like this. It was a book like this; that was called a book, a scroll. How many knows that? Sure, it was a scroll. All right.



  117-5  {6}    For instance if I had something here--I'd show you what I mean. Here is one seal. That's one... And you roll it up like this--the way it was rolled. And you roll it up in this manner, and at the end there is a little piece sticking out like that. That's the First Seal. All right. Then that's the first part of the Book. Then the next seal is rolled in this manner, right by the side of it, and it's rolled up in this manner like here and then at the end, right here, there's another sticking out, means two seals. And that's the way the whole Bible was wrote, in scroll. And so to break these Seals, it opens the mysteries of the Book.



  123-5  {45}    If we was talking about this kind of book, it would be like putting a strap across it, seven straps. But it isn't this kind of a book; it's a scroll. And then when the scroll is unwound, that's one; then laying right in the scroll is number two, and right here it says what it is, but it's a mystery. But yet we have probed in it; but remember, the Book is sealed, and the Book is a Book of mystery of revelation. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ (See?), a Book of revelation. And now, you know down through the age, man has probed and tried to get into that. We all have.





  282-1  {21}    Now, just a little preview to back up, as we did the church ages--these riders and these breaking of these Seals... Now, so we just get it in our mind, talk a little until we feel that it's the appropriate time to speak.

Now, we have noticed now that the breaking of the Seal, it's the sealed Book of Redemption. And then the Book is rolled up like a scroll just like the old way was. It wasn't a book of this type, 'cause this is just recently come in, these kind of books in the last, oh, I guess a hundred and fifty years or something, two hundred. And then they'd roll it up, then leave the end loose. As I told you how it was done, and the Scriptures, where to find it, in--in Jeremiah and so forth. Then the next was rolled around there and the end left loose and like that, and each one was a Seal, and it was a seven-sealed Book. And it was a... No one... When they was... It was a seven-sealed Book of Redemption.


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  161    Now, our Kinsman is handed the seven sealed Book of redemption from the original Owner, the original--the original Owner... When we lost it at the garden of Eden, through Adam, it went back to the original Owner. But there's been a poacher on the land, a squatter; that's Satan. He come over; he's a poacher. This earth don't belong to him; it belongs to God. But he's a poacher, a squatter. Man, I could say something right now, but I better not.

It is the title deed of our redemption, this seven-sealed Book. It's the title deed. You wait till we get into those seals.

He breaks the seals, reveals, gives us His inheritance to His people. He gives the inheritance that He inherited by becoming Kinsman Redeemer, and freely gives it out to us. It all belonged to Him. He was the One Who redeemed. But instead of keeping it Hisself, He gives it back to the people. That's His love for us. Oh.

Satan, the possessor of it now, the squatter, he's finally... He don't want to give it up right quick; we find out here in a little later on in the Scriptures, I'm thinking over here in another chapter. And he didn't want to give it up right away, but he had to fight over it. But finally, when he was brought to a showdown, he was cast into the lake of fire. That's right.




  86-2  {116}    Now, oh, my. Now, the forfeited title deed is now in the hands of the original Owner, Almighty God. The title deed to the earth and to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it, then Satan's dirty hands could not take it; so it went back to its original Owner, God Himself. We're going to find it in just a minute; there He sets on the throne with it in His hand: the title deed. Oh, that makes me feel religious, friends. The title deed to Eternal Life, abstract title deed to Eternal Life, when Adam forfeited it for wisdom and instead of faith, it went back to the hands of the Owner: Almighty God. What a great thing.

All right, waiting... What's it doing? In the hands of God, waiting for redemption claims. He made a way of redemption. He made a way back, and someday the Redeemer is to take it back. You see where we're getting to now? We'll watch this Fellow setting upon the throne. All right.



  86-4  {117}    Waiting for redemption claims... Its redemption... What is this Book of Redemption, this title deed, abstract title deed? You say, "Abstract?" What does an "abstract" mean? Means "it's searched all the way back to its beginning." Like that little--like that little drop of ink this morning, when it struck that bleach, it went all the way back. And when sin has been confessed and fallen into the Blood of Jesus Christ, oh, my, it gives an abstract right straight back to the Creator again, and you become a son of God. Abstract title deed is held in the hand of the Almighty. Oh, my.



  86-5  {119}    Its redemption means all legal possession to all that was lost by Adam and Eve... Oh, my, what ought that to do to a borned again Christian. Its legal possession to the abstract deed, title deed of Eternal Life means that you possess everything that Adam and Eve lost. Whew. What of it, brethren? The possession of that deed...

Adam could not meet the requirements of redemption after he found he lost it. He had sinned and he'd separated himself from God and was on this side of the chasm, so he could not redeem it. He just couldn't do it, 'cause he was--he needed redemption himself; so he could not do it.



  90-1  {140}    He hasn't claimed it. See? If He took the Book of Redemption, everything that Adam had and everything that he lost, Christ redeems back; and He's already redeemed us, but He hasn't took the possession yet. He cannot until the time appointed, and then will come the resurrection, and then the earth will be renewed again, and then He will take possession, His possession which He got when He redeemed us, but will do it at the appointed time. Oh, my.

This is described in this seven-sealed Book that we're talking of now. All right. The Book of Redemption, it's all described in here. All that what Christ will do at the end will be revealed to us this week in the Seven Seals if God will let us. See? All right; it'll be revealed.



  233-2  {30}    Now, He rises from the seat. First the announcement went forth for... "Who is able to come and--and take this Book of Redemption?" See? For the whole plan of redemption from Adam, all that Adam lost... There was nothing lost until Adam, and after Adam all was lost in the earth. And... Everything on the creation of the earth was lost, and everything fell with Adam, crossed the chasm that no one could get back, no way at all. Man, when he sinned, he left his way; he left no way back for himself.


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  80    Now He's preparing for the opening of those seven seals of redemption. See, that's what the 5th chapter is. That's the reason I kinda read it and then just take it from there, and talk on it and give the other parts of the Scripture, is because it isn't verse by verse, something that's happening; it's preparing for something to happen. And if you get the preparation, then you've just--you're ready for it then. And that's the way it is by faith or anything else, Now, the--the seals...