Notes used in the Message


08-0120am - The Book of Revelations Pt 40 (Heir of All Things) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.



  2    And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.



  3    And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.



  4    And round about the throne [were] four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.



  5    And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and [there were] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.



  6    And before the throne [there was] a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, [were] four beasts full of eyes before and behind.



  7    And the first beast [was] like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast [was] like a flying eagle.



  8     ¶  And the four beasts had each of them six wings about [him]; and [they were] full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  166    As the Son of David He's a Heir to the throne. As the Son of Abraham, He's a Heir to the royal grant. Amen. Is that right? He's a Heir to the royal grant (Amen), Palestine and all that's in her. Abraham's Seed, He was a Son of Abraham.

As the Son of man, what does Son of man... What did man lose? He lost the earth. So as the Son of man He's a Heir to everything in the earth. All this He's got and has to give it back to us, then He's returning back as He was. He...

Now, then, as the Son of God He inherits all things. As the Son of David He's Heir to the throne; as Son of Abraham He's Heir to the royal grant; as Son of man He's Heir to the earth; as Son of God He's Heir to all things in heaven and earth. Oh, my. That's our Redeemer, our Kinsman Redeemer.






  58    Jesus in the Gospel had four titles; we brought that: Son of David, heir to the throne; Son of Abraham, the royal grant; Son of man, heir of the earth; Son of God, heir to all things, the royal grant.

In the Old Testament, property could not be--could not be held any longer than fifty years. It could not be annihilated from its original owner but fifty years. And on the fortieth day He paid the price. On the fiftieth day, the redemption and the power that belonged to the Church that was lost in the garden of Eden was redeemed back and sent to us by the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the fiftieth day.



  E-43    What if somebody said you had a big estate down here in California somewhere that you heired; somebody willed it to you? Would you say, "Oh, I guess it's all right." Oh, no. You'd take off up there, brother, and you'd take attorneys and everything else, and you'd see what you owned. You all take about this life, this natural life. But when it comes to Eternal Life, when you've accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour, why don't you see what you're heir to? Amen.

Every promise in the Book is mine. Every chapter, every verse, every line. That's right. I'm trusting in His love Divine, for every promise in the Book is mine. I'm an heir to all things through Christ. I'm an heir to my healing. I'm an heir to my joy. I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God, borned of His Spirit, washed in His Blood. Yes, sir. I'm an heir, a child of the King. I'm a son of God. Amen. Everything that God promised is mine. I'm joint heirs with the Lord Jesus. Amen. I like to look through.


REV.CHAP.4.PT.2.24.ELDERS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 585-643  SUNDAY_  61-0101

  111    All right.

Now, immediately... in the spirit: and, behold, a throne... set in heaven, and one set upon the throne.

Now, notice, a little later on, or we got it last night, I believe, that upon this throne that... We find out that first there was nothing on the throne, and now there's Someone on the throne, so it showed that Jesus had come with His church up into glory and was set on His own throne, "Setting on the throne"; that's after the church age. Now, now, we want to get to that after while.

Now, you say, "Well, where's His throne at today?" Now, Brother Neville, if I pass over that, you ask me after while, where's His throne at today. I think I'll get to it down that far. "Where's His throne at now if He's not on His throne now? He isn't on His throne now. No, sir.



  66    The church of Sardis was the reformation age, the great missionary--or not missionary, but the hidden names; they had their own names. And the reward was white raiment, and name on the Book of Life (which has to come in the judgment). We had that the other day, the Book of Life; you're to be judged from the Book of Life. The saints are translated and taken without that, they don't go to that.

The Philadelphian church age was the age of brotherly love, the great commission age, and the great missionary age, the open door. And the reward was a--a pillar. Reveal the names of God was to be in during--during this age, when it went out around 1906. All right.

The Laodicean age was the lukewarm church, rich, increased in goods, having need of nothing, but was wretched, poor, blind, and miserable, and naked. And the reward was to set on the throne with the Lord, those who overcome that age.



  76-107    "Those whom He called, He justified; those whom He justified, He glorified." And every redeemed person in the world this morning that's under the Blood of Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Ghost, hath Everlasting Life and can't perish, and is already in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, and shall never come into condemnation. Already redeemed, isn't that wonderful? See? Already redeemed, setting in heavenly places now with Christ, and glo--already glorified, already glorified.

You say, "Brother Bill, does the Scripture say that?"

Jesus said that, or the Scripture says that, or the writers. Paul, he said, "Those whom He justified, He hath already glorified. Those whom He foreordained, He predestinated; those whom He predestinated, He justified; those whom He justified, He has already glorified." What is it? Oh, my (Excuse me.), already glorified. Then if we are filled with the Holy Ghost, our fibers and beings has already been preserved in God, there is a glorified body already waiting, and you have to go to it as soon as this is over. Those who He has justified, He's already glorified.

What I was saying awhile ago, the negative and positive. Wished I had the education enough to bring that out and make it sensible and clear to you, but I just can't find it. I know what I'm talking about, but I can't present it the way I want to.



  168    Oh, my. How I love Him. It's His grace, nothing I could do. Nothing I could do, nothing you can do, but we, coming tonight as Christian men and women, confessing that we're unworthy, and accepting Him as our--in our stead, accepting that One, that I know just as sure as God accepted Him and raised Him up, He raised me in a figurary form the same time He raised Christ. Amen. Oh, I got to stop. But look. In a figuretary form, He raised me the same time He raised Christ. He raised you the same time He raised Christ, for that was for our justification.

Look, if you're saved, you've got It. "Those who He has ordained, or called, He has justified. Those who He has justified, He hath already glorified in Christ Jesus." That right? He has glorified already in Christ, by the eyes of God, Who way back yonder, a millions of years before there was a world when the Word was with God. It was God's thought, then His Word, then it materialized out yonder. And just at the same time that He accepted Christ, He accepted me in Christ. And yonder in the world to come, with you and I and all Christians through all ages, will love Him and live with Him, and enjoy endless Eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ, our blessed Redeemer.



  E-54    Now, those who He has called, He has justified. He called them before the foundation of the world. Those who He called, He had justified. And those who He had justified, He hath already glorified. The same God, that before the foundation of the world called your name and wrote it on the Lamb's Book of Life in the--from the foundation of the world, has already made a place in glory for you. And when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting for us in the way He's fashioned. There you are. That's the Gospel.

What are we worried about? What are we going along looking like this? "Well, I just wonder." Lift up your heads. The Bible said, "Lift up the feeble knee. And let the hands raise up that once hung down." Let him that's weak, say "I'm strong." Amen. For the Gospel is delivered, this good news.



  E-24    Why, it's not what we are, but what Christ is for us. Christ become you and I, that you and I might become Him. He taken our sins, that we might take His righteousness. So it's nothing in my arms I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling. Nothing I could do, nothing you could do. It's the grace of God.

Then God tried man one time and made a covenant with man upon a condition: If you'll not touch this tree, then you'll live forever, and man broke his covenant. Man just can't keep his promise to God. His adversary's too great. And God knowing that, He was determined to save man, so He made the covenant unconditionally. Oh, brother, the trouble of it is with the full Gospel people tonight, you're scared that... How can anything happen to you? How can...

"Those who He foreknew, He predestinated. Those who He has predestinated or foreknew, He called. Those who He called, He has justified; and those who He has justified, He hath already glorified." So quit being scared. God's the One's that's driving the ship, not you and I. We're just to stay on it. Amen. God made a promise; God keeps His promise. No matter how ridiculous it seems, God keeps it.



  E-51    "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. All the Father has given Me will come to Me." What you scared about? What you afraid?

You say, "Well, maybe I'm just not the right kind of Christian." How can you come to God without God calling you first? And all that He foreknew, He has called. Is that right? All that He called, He has justified. Is that right? All that He has justified, He hath already (past tense), has glorified. Amen. It's a finished work from the foundation of the world. Christians, don't you see you're living under your privilege? You don't know who you are.


REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618

  80    Now He's preparing for the opening of those seven seals of redemption. See, that's what the 5th chapter is. That's the reason I kinda read it and then just take it from there, and talk on it and give the other parts of the Scripture, is because it isn't verse by verse, something that's happening; it's preparing for something to happen. And if you get the preparation, then you've just--you're ready for it then. And that's the way it is by faith or anything else, Now, the--the seals...