Notes used in the Message


08-0109 – The Book of Revelations Pt.37 (John Caught Up to Where Jesus Went) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.



  2    And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.



  3    And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.





  198    Did you get that? God has dealt with us exactly the same amount of time that He dealt with the Jews from the time He give Abraham the promise until the rejecting of the Messiah in A.D. 33, was 1954 years. And now, we have seventeen years left. We had about 1930 something years. We got seventeen years left until '77 will be the seventieth jubilee since the beginning of jubilees. And what will it be? Oh, brother. Watch close now. Don't miss it. It'll be the Jubilee of the going up of the Gentile Bride and the return of Christ to the Jews, when they go out of bondage. Amen. Don't you see? From all the world they've gather there for that day. Oh, my. See where we're at? We don't know what time it might happen. We're at the end time.



  E-55    He started up, taking the Old Testament saints with Him. And as He went up, up, beyond the moon, on beyond the stars, on beyond the sun, the Old Testament saints followed Him. The Bible said, "He led captive, captive, give gifts unto men." I can see Him going beyond Angels and Archangels plumb on into the spheres and...?... coming into the sight of the New Jerusalem.

I can hear the Old Testament saints, acquainted with David's prophecy said, "Lift up ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up, let the King of Glory come in."

I can here the Angels behind, said, "Who is this King of Glory?"

And the Old Testament said, "The Lord of Host, mighty in battle."

The angel pressed the button; the gates lifted up; Jesus and the Old Testament saints walked right down through the city of Jerusalem. The Conqueror, all the saints a following Him, walked up to the throne and present them, say, "Here they are, Father." He said, "Climb up on My Throne and set here at My right hand, till I make every enemy Your footstool." Hallelujah.



  E-52    Now, if He was here tonight, and was down here in Hammond, somewhere, and, why, you'd go to Him, and He'd lay His hands upon you, and--and you'd get well (See?), now, because He would be Jesus. Now, He has--He's gone up to His Father's house, up in glory. And He sets up there, at the right hand of His Father, tonight, on His Father's throne, to make intercessions for us. Maybe you don't... in--in other wise, when we pray, or ask Him anything, He stands before the Father and shows the Blood. "Father, I--I died for that purpose." See? And then, they, then it happens.

Now, if He was here, here's one thing that He went up there, but He sent back the Holy Spirit. See? And the Holy Spirit is here tonight. And He sent me, His servant, to help you. Do you believe that? You do. I know you do.



  E-20    My heart bleeds for Him. And to think He's waiting for us to take this Gospel to all the world. Then He said, "I will return." He's setting on His Father's throne tonight, waiting to return to His Own throne. His--David's throne to rule and reign through the millennium. He's longing to return, and He's depending on the Church. How short we have fallen. God help us and forgive us, is my prayer.



  34    Did you notice the--the arrangements of that? See? "Set with Me in My throne," not "on My throne," "in My throne." That's in His domain. See? And now, as--as Christ is the Ruler, throne Ruler at this time of the complete domain of God, so will the Church be with Him, the Bride be with Him in His throne in the entire domain. See? Not "on My throne," but "in My throne" (See?) where His domain reaches. A throne is over a domain. And--and a domain reaches just as far as its boundaries does, and this is from eternity to eternity. Just think of it..



  50    Then when He died, rose, ascended, and sent back the Holy Spirit, that was the Son of God. God is a Spirit, and through the church age it's been Son of God.

And then in the millennium, it's Son of David, setting on the throne, ruling. He has ascended up. "He that overcomes shall set with Me on My throne, as I have overcome, and set down on My Father's throne." He's setting on the Father's throne now. But in the millennium, He sets upon His Own throne, because He is the Son of David.

He's Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. See, it's just perfectly.



  9-2    Then we find, after His death, burial, and resurrection, He came on the day of Pentecost as Son of God--God, the Spirit, in the form, Holy Ghost. What was He doing? He was changing Himself, making Himself known to His people in a different form. Like the Holy Spirit, which is God, He came to deal through the church ages as Son of God, the Holy Spirit. But in the Millennium He comes as Son of David to set on the throne of David: King. He was to take the throne of David; He's on the Father's throne now. And then He said, "He that overcometh shall set with Me on My throne, as I've overcome and set on My Father's throne." So He--in the Millennium He'll be Son of David. What is it? The same God all the time just changing His--His mask.