Notes used in the Message


08-0106am – The Book of Revelations Pt.36 (Caught Up) - Samuel Dale





  1     ¶  After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.



  2    And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.



  3    And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.



  15    For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.



  16    For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:



  17    Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.




  71    Then we find out here, after these things, he heard a voice was speaking to him, that... What was it? The Spirit left the earth. "After these things," starts out the 1st chapter--or--or the 1st verse.

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven:...

Revelation 4:1, after the church is gone, then a--a Door was opened. And we've went through all of that and found that that was Christ was the Door. And the same voice that was walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks also was the same voice he heard in heaven, saying, "Come up hither." John went up. It represented the church going in the rapture.

John went up in the Spirit, was took away into heaven and foresaw all the things that God promised and said to the disciples, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?" He saw the coming of the Lord and what would take place. He saw on earth what would take place on earth to the rapture of the church, and was taken up and showed plumb on down even to apast the millennium. Oh, isn't that wonderful?




  57    Now, in this last quotation, for a little background to get set where John is now, we found out that in the last message... I was just briefly looking over it yesterday, some of the context that I had spoken of. And John was carried up into heaven and saw those things. And I'd noticed in there that He had give me a revelation, that... You know, after His resurrection many was with Him, and some said, "What will happen to this man that's leaning upon Your bosom (John)?"

Jesus turned and said, "What is it to thee if he tarries till I come?" So He never...

Then there went a doctrine out. See how easy it can start? There went a doctrine out that--that John wasn't going to die until he seen Jesus coming--or till the second coming. The Bible said there was a doctrine went out of that. Howbeit, Jesus never said it that way. He said, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?"

Now, we find out that he was lifted up into the heavens and saw from then until the coming of the Lord, as though he had been there and seen it all happen. John himself did not live... He lived to be ninety something years old, and then died in a--a natural death (the only one of the apostles) after coming from his exile from Isle of Patmos.



  36    And finally, at last, the apostles one day, even after the resurrection, there's--one was leaning upon His shoulder, John He loved. He was a young man. And He said, "What is it to you if this man tarries till I come?" There went out a saying among them, that John wasn't going to--going to die till Jesus returned. Jesus did not say that. He just, what... He said, "What is it to you if he does tarry?" And then, of course, you read in--in a word, how that--that God then... That was said for a purpose. These things are all for a purpose. God took that young John and lift him up in the Spirit, and saw His coming, plumb over into the--the age that is to come. See, said, "What is it to you if he tarries?" He didn't tarry in physical; but--but the Word that He spoke through him brought us to this age where we are now. You see? So it all works together for good.



  141    I'd like to bring to you another thing; after Jesus had died, buried, in Saint John 21:20. Some critic started this in the early day. Right while we're in the lesson, let's clean it up. In Saint John 20:21, Jesus had met with His disciples, fed them fish and bread upon the fire. And as they went up the bank, John leaned upon His bosom; and Peter asked the question, said, "What will happen to this man?" Jesus loved John. John was a man of love. And he said, "What will happen to this man? What's going to be his estate? What's going to be his future?"

And Jesus said to them, "What is it to you if he tarries until I come, till I return? What is it?"

And the disciples made a mistake; they said that Jesus said that--that--that he was going to live till the coming. But Jesus didn't make no mistake. Right here in Revelations, the 4th chapter, Christ kept His Word. He brought John up into heaven and rehearsed the whole thing to him. Glory. He--he saw the preview. He saw it just as though he lived on earth and saw the whole church ages come to pass to the coming of the Lord, the whole Book of Revelations. Oh, my.



  145    See how infallible His promises is? Now, your...?... James to do that; John, any of the rest of them; wouldn't even let Paul see it, tell it, nothing.

He said, "What is it to you if he tarries until I come?"

And being that they said that, He just chose John, and took him up, and showed him the whole thing before he even died, just like he lived the whole thing through: showed him what it would be. (Brother Pat, ain't that wonderful?) Oh, see, picked him right up. Why, it's here, the 4th chapter and the 2nd verse proves it. "He showed him things which was, which is, and what shall come." He showed him the church age, the coming of the Jews, the pouring out of the plagues, the rapture, the coming again, and the millennium, and the eternal home of His saved; just as though he lived right down through the whole thing, he saw it all happen. See? He just took him up and showed him the--the--the film that He's turning, let him see the whole thing rehearsed. Oh, my.



  147    Caught up, fulfilled His promise in--in Revelation 4:2. Before his death he was caught up in the Spirit and seen things just as though he had lived. He--he seen it all rehearsed. Thus he saw in a vision exactly what would've took place and what did take place on the earth from that time until the coming of the Lord Jesus: Show it to him in a vision.

So then the disciples... Or no one that ever said that He said He'd come in that age. He said, "What is it to you if, otherwise, if he tarries till I come?" Then He took him up and just rehearsed the thing to him and showed him what was going to happen. Oh, I just love that. Hm. Oh, my.



  120-3  {24}    John caught up in the 4th chapter to see things which was, which is, and which is to come. But the Church finishes at the 4th chapter, and Christ takes up the Church, caught up in the air to meet Him, and does not appear again until the 19th chapter when He comes back with--as King of king and Lord of lords with the Church. And now... Oh, I hope someday that we can get through it all, maybe before He comes. If we don't, we'll see it anyhow; so it doesn't matter.



  125    Oh, and notice, John, being taken up immediately after the church age, was a type of the raptured church. Immediately after the church age is over, this Laodicean church age, then comes the rapture. The church goes up like John did into the Presence of God. Oh, that just winds my soul around. Caught up, at the rapture of the church. And it said... This place, the Book of Revelations was written (See?), at the end of the church age.



  128    The word "rapture" in the Bible is not even used at all. We just put that word there. The Bible said, "Caught up, being caught up." We read here in II Thessalonians or I Thessalonians it is, the order of this great rapture that will take place in the last days. Listen to this here. We're going to begin here with 13th verse.



  114-52    Now, there'll be... The first that'll take place will be the--the coming of the Bride. There will be people in the world... I... You might different a little with this, but listen close. Just because that you accepted Christ as personal Saviour, that doesn't mean that you're going in the rapture. That's for the elect, that'll go in the rapture. There'll be a remnant left here on earth that'll go through the persecution and the great tribulation. The church will be caught up in the rapture.



  E-75    And Jesus Himself, the Son of God said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." Can you hear me? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe it? Say, "Amen." ["Amen."]

What's the next thing we're looking for? The rapture, going to meet Him, the coming Son. We'll have to be changed and caught up. You can't be caught up the way you are now. You're too heavy. Oh, but, brother, one day this mortal will take on immortality, and we'll have a body like His own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is. Oh, you seed of Abraham, hold to your promise, honey. Stay with it. Don't let no man rob you from that.

If you've wandered away out into the world, and you women's got to acting worldly, and you men's got to letting them do it, shame on you. You're supposed to be the boss of the house. You're the ruler. The Bible said the man shall rule, not a dictator now, a floor mat. He made him a helpmate (See?), a sweetheart.



  E-86    And Jesus is so close to coming to the earth now, until His power is beginning to catch the people, and winding them up, getting them ready for the bride, getting ready to be caught up in the rapture, a church that'll just fit just exactly to be taken up; through its power will draw all the rest of them that's borned again out of the earth. Jesus is coming.

As my hand against the wall would make a shadow, more that shadow gets deeper and deeper and deeper, closer my hand gets; and after while the shadow and my hand becomes one.

And the church started in Martin Luther's time under justification, under Wesley through sanctification, and now in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the Pentecostals, the restoration of the gifts. And out of that Pentecostal people He's pulling that remnant up here to show Jesus Christ, reflect His Life, just the same yesterday, today, and forever (Exactly.) when the evening Lights shine. It's exactly.