Notes used in the Message


07-1202am - The Book of Revelations Pt 27 (All Sons have a Beginning) - Samuel Dale





  14     ¶  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;




  "The Beginning Of The Creation Of God." That is Who the Lord Jesus says He is. But those words don't mean exactly as they sound to us. Just taking them the way they sound has made some people (in fact multitudes of people) get the idea that Jesus was the first creation of God, making Him lower than Godhead. Then this first creation created all the rest of the universe and whatsoever it contains. But that is not right. You know that doesn't line up with the rest of the Bible. The words are, "He is the BEGINNER or AUTHOR of the creation of God." Now we know for a surety that Jesus is God, very God. He is the Creator. John 1:3 "All things were made by Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made." He is the One of Whom it is said, Gen. 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Also it says in Ex. 20:11, "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day." See, there is no doubt that He is the Creator. He was the Creator of a FINISHED PHYSICAL CREATION.

Surely we can see what these words mean now. To have any other interpretation would mean that God created God. How could God be created when He, Himself, is the Creator?



  E-15    And there, that great space where no one can fathom in their mind beyond that, that space, eternity. That's Jehovah God out there. And we're taught in the beginning, that the Logos, or the Son of God went out of God.

Now, I do not believe in eternal sonship. That's even radical to even mention such a thing, eternal sonship. How... He had a eternal sonship...?... way, it's even eternal sonship, how could He be a Son? He had to have a beginning. See?



  E-16    So He first was God, Jehovah. And out of Him... Let's just picture now as a little drama so you can get it. Let's see coming out of space where there's nothing, let's make it a little white Light, like a mystic Light, like a Halo. And that was the Logos that went out of God in the beginning. That was the Son of God that came out of the bosom of the Father. That was what was in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was God. And then out of God came the Logos, a part of God that went out of God.

Let's notice this. Now, I have to make this before going back into it, just like a little picture drama here for you a moment, in order to get one point to you, Who... What is in our midst tonight.



  E-17    And in there... Now, see, this is just like a child playing before the door. It was the Son of God, the Logos. And I can see Him out there, and He spake, and said, "Let there be light." And there was nothing. But there was something happened, and an atom turned there and begin to whirl around this a way. The sun begin to come into existence, because He said, "Let there be." There's the authority.

Where did He make it from? I don't know. There was nothing to make it from. But He believed His own Word, and there was light. I can see a piece fly off of that; it's a meteor. After a few million years, or a hundred billions of years, if you want to call it, and it circled way out. I see Him standing there watching it. And it falls down in here. He stops it after falls a few million years, and let it hang there in orbit. Here's another one flying off the sun. It goes over here and hangs down, stops it there.



  20-126    Could you imagine before there even was a earth, before there was a light, before there was a star, before there was anything? There's a Great Fountain going forth of Spirit, and out of this Fountain came the most pure of love; 'cause there was nothing for it to come from there but love. Now, we... What we call love today is a perverted love. But just as we get a essence, or a little bit of that love in us, it changes our whole opinion.

Then out of there come another stream off of this main Fountain, the Diamond, and it was called righteousness, absolutely righteousness. Now, that's the reason we had to have law. That's the reason law has to have judgment. If judgment doesn't follow law, law doesn't do no good. And when judgment was passed by law, which brings death... And there's no one who could pay the penalty but God Himself. And He paid the penalty of our death, and took our sins upon Him, that we might be the righteousness of God through Him.

Now, when these great Lights went out, or great rays of Spirit: love, peace... That's all there was. That... There wasn't no suffering; there wasn't no--no hate, nor no malice. It couldn't come from this Fountain. That was Jehovah. That was Jehovah God. And now, as the theologians call it, a theophany went from That, which was called in the Scriptural the Logos, the Logos that went out of God. It's hard to explain, but It was a part of God.



  21-129    Now, here's what happened. Oh... Excuse me; I--I--I just get on this... This just gets me right where I love it. See? The Logos, and this great Fountain; this great Fountain of Spirit which had no beginning or no end, this great Spirit begin to form in the creation; and the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that this Spirit had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.

Moses saw It when It passed through the--by--by the rock. And he looked at It, said, "It looked like the hind part of a man." It's the same type of body that we receive when we die here, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That was it. And that was the Theophany which was the Son of God. That Son, that Logos became flesh because we were put in flesh. And the Theophany, the Logos, became flesh here among us, and It was nothing else but the dwelling place; for that entire Fountain dwelt in Him. Oh, do you see it? There it is. That was the One that in...



  E-31    Now, God in His great universe... Could you just imagine just... Let me give you a small picture of what I think God is, what the trinity of God is.

There is different arguments in the world concerning the trinity of the Godhead. If they would just... they... All of them believe the same thing, but the Devil's just got between them and got them all broke up. That's all.

God is just like the air. He fills all the universe... []... His Son. Son has to be borned of. So the Logos, which was the Son of God that went out of God, that brood over the earth...

Now, let's just picture that as being a white halo coming out of that space. That was the Son of God, the Logos. And there It was in space moving around, like a little child playing before the door of its parent. And He drawed in His mind what should be.


LIFE_  JEFF.IN  SUNDAY_  57-0602

  E-22    Let's close our eyes to our imaginations for a few moments and go way back into the--'fore there was anything. The great fountain of all eternity was that spirit of love, joy, that spirit of honesty, that spirit of trueness in this perfection. And then out of the existence of the Father went the Logos which was the Son, which was the theophany, which was the body of the great Jehovah God went forth in a celestial Body. That's the Logos. The Word spoke out of them great Fountains of Life and went forth. And there was the theophany, which was God made into Word.



  14-21    Now, if God created man in His Own image and in His Own likeness, what kind of a man did He create? A spirit man. Now, if you'll notice, after He had made all the creation and created a spirit man (the close reading of this now, to the one that asked the question will find this), that God give dominion of the cattle and the fishes and everything to the man. But in His making up there, He made man in His Own image to lead the cattle, lead the beasts of the field, just like the Holy Spirit leads the believer today. See?

He was, in other words, Adam, the first man in the lower creations of God... The first creation was God Himself; then out of God came the Logos, which was the Son of God; then out of the Logos, which was the Word ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."), out of the Logos came forth the--the man.



  15-28    Now, notice. Then after while I begin to see a little sacred Light begin to form, like a little halo or something; you could only see it by spiritual eyes to look now, while we're looking, the whole church now. We're standing on a great big banister, watching what God's doing. And we'll get right down to this question here and you'll see how He brings it in.

Now, no one has seen God. And now, the next thing we begin to see, by eyes of supernatural looking, we see a little white Light forming out there. What is that? That was called, by Bible readers, "Logos," or "the anointed," or "the anointing," or the--as I was going to say, the--the part of God begin to develop into something so human beings could have some type of an idea what It was: it was a little, low--a little Light moving. He... That was the Word of God.

Now, God gave Himself birth to this Son which was before there was even an atom in the--or air to make an atom. That was... See, Jesus said, "Glorify Me, Father, with the glory that We had before the foundation of the world." See, way back in yonder...




Revelation 3:14, "These things saith the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God."



My, isn't that the most wonderful description of the attributes of our lovely Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ? These words just make me want to shout. They bring such a spirit of reality into my heart. Just reading them without even waiting for a thorough revelation of the Spirit upon them thrills me.



Jesus is giving us this description of Himself in relation to the last age. The days of grace are winding up. He has looked from the first century right through to the twentieth, and told us all things concerning these ages. Before He reveals the characteristics of the last age to us, He gives us one final look at His own gracious and supreme Deity. This is the capstone revelation of Himself.



  E-23    But now, in the beginning of Jesus' ministry, He's such a great Person, there never was no one ever on the earth like Him, and there never will be anyone like Him. He was--He was the only begotten Son of Almighty God. We are sons by adoption, through Him. But He is God's only begotten Son.

Adam was God's son. Do you believe that? He was God's creative son. But this is His begotten Son. God begotten His Son.

It's just like the blood. The bloodstream comes from the male sex; we know that. The mother is just the incubator for the child. And the mother's blood has nothing to do with the child at all. Although it's born in the blood of the mother, but it has nothing to do with it. It hasn't got one drop of the mother's blood in it; it's the blood of the father. And the life lays in the blood.



  E-62    And there He come out. There was nothing. And then here come the Logos. That looked like a halo hanging yonder. No man has seen God at anytime now, eye to eye. And here's the Logos. Looks like It's a supernatural Being. It's a Halo. That's the Son of God. Not eternal Sonship, 'cause the words don't go good together. That's Catholic doctrine, but... Eternal, how could it be a Sonship and be eternal? If He's a Son, he'd had to have a beginning of time. Eternal's forever. See? So eternal Sonship, there's no such a word to make that sensible.

But it was the Logos that went out of God. And there He was playing out there in space just like a child before the door. I can see Him draw the whole picture in His mind of the Kingdom and what it might be.




  E-65    And when He made everything that looked nice and good to Him, now He said, "Let us (plural) make man (plural) in our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen, never will be seen. He's all nature. And there He is. And now, here's the Son, which is the Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a supernatural Being that went out in the beginning.



  15-26    Now, "No man has seen the Father at anytime." No man can see God in the bodily form, because God is not in body form; God is a Spirit. See? All right. "No man has seen the Father, but the only begotten of the Father hath declared Him," I John... See?

Now, but notice now, there's nothing; there's just space. There's no light; there's no dark; there's no nothing; it's just seems nothing. But in there is a great supernatural Being, Jehovah God, Who covered all space of all places at all times. He was from everlasting from everlasting; He is the beginning of creation. That's God. Can't see nothing, can't hear nothing, not a move of an atom in the air, not nothing, not no air, no nothing, but yet God was there. That was God. (Now, let's watch for a few minutes, and after a while...) No man has seen That, now; that's the Father. That's God, the Father.



  305-94    Now, this body that He had, He'd created; it had not been brought through a woman. So with that created body, He could not... Somebody... He'd made Hisself to reveal Himself. No man can see God at any time; God is a spirit. Mortal eyes doesn't see those things, 'less it's in a form like the Pillar of Fire, or whatever it was, or in the form of some being that they seen by vision. But the... God has to reveal Himself through some way. And God revealed Himself to Abraham in the form of a Man. He revealed Himself to Moses in a form of a Man. He revealed Himself to the children of Israel in a form of a Pillar of Fire. He revealed Himself unto John the Baptist in the form of a dove. You see, He revealed Himself in those forms. When He was revealing Himself in the form of a man as the King of Salem, of Jerusalem, not of the earthly Jerusalem, but the heavenly Jerusalem... He revealed Himself in that form; He was made like unto the Son of God.



  E-23    Let's take and take a little mental trip tonight, you and I. And let's go back before the--there even was a star in the heaven, 'fore there even wasn't anything.

Setting way back in eternity, that was God. And then going out of God, or God unfolding Himself, come the Logos, which was the Son of God or the Word of God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us," the Logos.

Now watch, we're seeing God unfold Himself. Then He said in Genesis: "Let us make man in our own image." What kind of man was he? He had to be a spirit man. And then He put him in five senses to contact his earthly home. He might've given him a foot like a bear and a hand like a monkey. I don't know what He did.




  E-12    The Logos that went out of God as... No disregards to Catholic people now. But the Catholic church, I... My background, my family's Catholic. And I have the--the Catholic people here, the book called "Facts of Our Faith." And they use the word of eternal sonship of God. The word don't even make sense to me. The word "eternal" means "eternity, which had no begin or has no end." And "son" means "had a beginning." So how could it... It could be a eternal Godship, but never an eternal sonship. A son is one that's begotten of. So it had a beginning.

So... And the Logos, which was the Son of God went out, created by these great fountains of purity, God, as those Spirits went out, and it created the Logos. And it was a body. It was in the form of what we are now, which is called in the clergy way of speaking it, a theophany. It's a body that doesn't have a spirit in it. It's a body that's waiting for you Christians. As soon as the life leaves this, you go into that body. When this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting, a theophany.




  E-37    As I told you, standing at the statute of liberty one time, little birds laying all around and things, around a big light there, and I said to the one, "What did this?"

He said, "Last night there was a storm. And the little birds was flying right into the light, trying to put it out. Instead of taking the light as it searched out, go to safety, they tried to beat the light out, and they beat their brains out."

And I said, "Praise the Lord."

Said. "What's the matter with you?"

I said, "I just thinking of all these infidelic, lukewarm, borderline preachers and believers, trying to put the true Gospel Light out, you'll beat your brains out, and God's Gospel will shine through eternal ages." It'll do it. Why don't you step in the light and let it take you to safety? It'll bring you right into a knothole in the rock (That's right.), where...

There is a fountain filled with blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

When sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.



Now then, there is also the thought of the future partaking of the hidden manna. I think it will be the eternal partaking of the revelation of Jesus Christ in the eternal ages to come. How else could we begin to know the unsearchable riches of His own Being? All that we have longed to know, all our unanswered questions, all that will be revealed. It will be from Christ Who is our life that we receive it. Oh, sometimes we think we get to know a little of Him and His Word down here, and it is so good, it makes us rejoice; but one day when our flesh changes, that Word and He will become what we had never dreamed possible.



If ever a people needed a promise embracing the land where there is no night, it was the people of the Dark Ages. And that is why the Spirit is promising them the morning star. He is telling them that the Chief Star, even Jesus, Who dwelleth in Light unto which no man can approach, will in the future kingdom illuminate them by His own personal presence. He will not be using the stars (messengers) to give light in darkness any longer. It will be Jesus, Himself, speaking to them face to face as He shares His kingdom with them.



It is the morning star that is visible when the light of the sun commences to shine. When our Sun, (Jesus) comes, there will be no further need of messengers; He will bring us His message of cheer Himself; and as He rules His kingdom, and we live in His presence, the light of the Word will become brighter and brighter in our perfect day.




  E-95    When He was on earth He said He was God. He looked like God. He talked like God. He preached like God. Hallelujah. He healed like God. He rose like God. He ascended like God. Hallelujah. And He was God. Hallelujah. He was God in the flesh. God was in His Son manifesting Himself to His people.

Oh, how many times we could, how much we could go to that and see what it was. See? But I believe you understand what I mean. See? It's God unfolding Himself. He came out of nature, coming down into the flesh in His Son.

God come in the flesh, Jesus Christ, the Logos, that went out in the beginning. How back in the beginning no one could see God. Then the Logos came out. Then God manifested Hisself down in man. Man sinned then God come down and revealed Hisself in flesh, taken away sin, returned back, come back again to live in people, and talk to them like He did to Adam and Eve. Hallelujah.



  52    If you notice here in Philippians he said, "Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man..."

Now, the Greek word there for that form, I've been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of "en morphe." It's spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek to find out what "en morphe" was... I may pronounce that wrong, but I... Reason I spell it, when if the tape is released, the people will, scholars will know what I--I mean by it. He... When the "en morphe"... That means that "He changed Hisself." He--He come down. Now, the Greek word there means that "something that could not be seen, yet it's there, and then it's changed, and the eye can catch it." See?



  54    Like Elijah was at Dothan. See, the--the servant couldn't see all those Angels around there, and God just changed, not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See? They... He changed the seeing. The--the thing is already there.

So that what I'm trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He--He... This en morphe, He--He changed Himself to what He was, to what He is, or His mask, another act.


  79    The perfect image of the God-man, God En morphe had changed from Supernatural to the vision. And the vision was projected into the Image. And the Image was smitten so that the Supernatural could taste the feeling of death, God's perfect Masterpiece. He could not do it in Moses. He could not do it in the prophets. Isaiah who was sawed with saws till he was sawed to pieces... He could not do it in the prophets that were stoned. He could not do it, because He couldn't feel it. They was just a portion of Him. But in this perfect Masterpiece He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. He could not only project Moses, He could project His entire being into this Person and taste death for the whole human race. God's perfect Masterpiece, God, so inspired by seeing It, He become the Redeemer of all ages to speak for those in the backgrounds who had been before and now.

All promises was met in Him. He was the Perfection of the perfection. All types was fulfilled in Him: our Kinsman Redeemer in Ruth and Boaz; our Law-giver from Mount Sinai; our Prophet from the wilderness, as He come from the mountain, as He come from the wilderness, as He come from eternity and become man, the perfect Image.


  77    Remember, God changes His form. "En morphe," the Greek word means "He puts on a different mask." Like in Carmen or something, or--or Shakespeare's plays, He's--He's like an Actor, He changes His form. All what those prophets were, that was God in those prophets. Jesus said so, "You call them gods, who the Word of God came to: and here I am, the Son of God, how do you condemn Me?" Oh, my.

The same thing is today, it's God manifested in flesh, the Message of the hour, the Light of the day. We can't have them other messages back there; they've done been lived up; we live in a glare of a light.



  6-3    And we find that Jehovah of the Old Testament was just Jesus of the New Testament. And--and Dr. Scofield here, we find that his word changing from form, we find the word "en morphe" in Greek, which means "the unseen was made visible." Something that cannot... We know it's there. It could be--cannot be seen, but yet, we know that it's there. And when He changed His form of the en morphe, which means that He changed from supernatural to natural... And He just changed His mask.

And otherwise, it's like a drama; He was acting. In--in the Greek when they would change their mask, maybe one play--one player might've acted in several different parts. And my daughter (present here)... They just had at the high school, a--a drama. And they... One boy, that I knowed, played about four parts, but he would go behind the stage and change his--his mask in order to come out to impersonate another character.




  176-63    What is prophetic is just His knowledge. He's the chief Attorney. He--He--He's the--He's the Judge. And He just speaks to the--the lawyer some of His wisdom. And that's what prophecy is, that can foretell it, because He knows what's going to be. Now, there's the God that we serve, not a god of history, not like the Buddhas, and the Mohammedans, and so forth; but a God that's omnipresent, right now here this morning in this Tabernacle, right now: Great Jehovah, I AM, Who formed Himself in humility to take on the form of sinful flesh, here He is. That's Who redeemed you. There can be no other nowhere, at no time can do it.

God didn't have three people up there and He sent one of them, His Son; It was God Himself come in the form of a Son. A Son has a beginning, and the Son had a beginning. As some of you dear Catholic people, I got your book, "Facts Of Our Faith," said, "The eternal Sonship of God..." How you going to express that word? How you going to make it have sense? How can it be eternal? Now, that's not the Bible; that's your book. Eternal Sonship, they don't... That word's not right, for anything that's a son had a beginning, and eternal has no beginning. So it isn't eternal Sonship. Christ become flesh and dwelt among us. He had a beginning. Wasn't no eternal Sonship; it's the eternal Godhead, not Sonship. Now, He came to redeem us, and He did redeem us.