Notes used in the Message


07-1125pm - The Book of Revelations Pt 25 (My New Name) - Samuel Dale





  12    Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my new name.



JOHN 5:43

  43    I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.



  184    What is every--what's every name every name of, every person will bear the Name of what? [Congregation says "Jesus."--Ed.] The whole heaven's named Jesus. The whole church is named Jesus. Everything is named Jesus, for it's the only Name that God ever had. He's called Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided Sacrifice; Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that healeth thee; Jehovah, the Lord's banner, Manasses; and Jehovah, di--different Jehovahs. He's called the Morning Star. He's called Father: He's called Son; He's called Holy Ghost. He's called Alpha; He's called Omega. He's called Beginning; He's called the Ending. He's called the Branch. Oh, He's called--He's just called all kinds of titles, but He had one Name.

That's what Matthew was talking about when he said, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name (not in names), in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Father's not a name; Son's not a name; Holy Ghost is not a name. It's a title to a Name. It's a name of three attributes that belongs to one God. What was His Name? The Angel said, "Thou shall call His Name [Congregation says, 'Jesus.'] for He shall save His people from their sin." That's the reason they all baptized that way in the Bible. That's how Saint Augustine baptized the King of England, about--about a hundred and fifty, two hundred years after the death of Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ. All right.



  174    The Door... Said, "I will make one place. Don't... You won't worship Me in every door that I've give you; but there's one Door, and in that Door I'll put My Name." And where the Lord puts His Name, that's the place that God will receive your sacrifice. We've made all kinds of doors, but God made a Door. God made a Door, and that Door was... St. John the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am that Door."

God put His Name in Jesus. Do you believe that? He was the Son of God. Every son comes in his father's name. He said, "I come in My Father's Name; you receive Me not." I come in my father's name; you come in your father's name. Jesus come in His Father's Name, so His Father's Name's Jesus (It's exactly), 'cause He came in His Father's Name. "And you receive Me not. Another will come, and him you will receive." You'll take your denominations and go on with them. Just go ahead, the Bible says, "They were raised up to fulfill this place. Blind, naked, and don't know it." Church, religion, oh, very pious, just the same as Cain was; make a sacrifice, make everything just the same as Abel did. But by revelation it was revealed to him what the sacrament was, not fruits of the field and something to do with your hand.

The believer can see the Word made flesh; the others cannot do it.





  33    Did you notice Abraham was called Abram, but when God went to use him, He changed his name to Abraham. S-a-r-r-a was Sarra, but when God was going to use her, He changed her name to S-a-r-r-a-h: Sarah, "princess." Did you notice Jacob? "Jacob" was "supplanter." Esau means "red, hairy and red"; red-headed, and red all over, is Esau. Now, and Jacob was "supplanter." And "supplanter" is a "deceiver." Didn't Esau say, "Isn't his name called Jacob, 'supplanter'?" But when he wrestled with the Lord all night long, and overcome, and was blessed, God changed his name: Jacob, Israel, "a prince with God." Paul was called Saul until he met the Holy Spirit in the form of a Light that shined down upon him; his name was changed from Saul to Paul. Simon, when he met Jesus, He changed his name to Peter. That...

And when Jesus overcome, His Name was changed. And He would reveal that Name, "He that would be with Him, overcome as He has, he received a new name; and I'll reveal My new Name to him." See? And every overcomer, I mean, among such as that, them leaders and so forth. Now, all the children of Israel didn't get their name changed, of course. That's right. But those high leaders, when they overcome, they had received a new name. See how it dovetails in just perfectly?



  316    Remember when this taken place to this church; it was the same age, the same time that This was revealed that the Nicolaitanes had set themself up a head of their church, a pope, and give him a white rock altar below, beneath him, a marble altar (Is that right?) and inlaid it with studs, and things like that, which was precious to him.

But this angel of the Lord knowed who he was, a son of God, through--through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

And when--when the Nicolaitanes set up their leader and put a marble stone at his feet (See?), God set up His Spirit-filled leader for His Spirit-filled group: His angels; and it set upon him a seal of a name, but he mustn't reveal it. He must keep it to himself. See? "No man knows but himself."

"Hidden manna, a stone, a new name that no man knows but he himself," and it was addressed to the angel of the church. I wonder if Luther knowed that? I wonder if Wesley knowed it? I wonder if--if the other great angels?



  31    And then, we notice then that this angel would receive--the angel of the church age that received the stone... It was a white stone, mean not his own righteousness, but God's own righteousness.

And in this stone was a name, a name that no one knowed but the one who received it himself. He knew it, but no one else could know it but him. When you hear these guys flatter you, telling there's--they're John, they're Paul, they're Mary, they're this, that, or the other. Don't you believe it, 'cause if it was, he'd never say nothing about it. See? That's right. He has to keep it to Hisself. He knowed; no one knowed but he himself, but he knowed because every perfect overcomer receives a new name in that--in that--that way.



  313    Now, white rock, he shall have a white rock, this angel shall have. A white stone, that's a rock, isn't it? And a... That's right, purity.

He--He met a man one time and his name was Simon, and He changed his name to Rock, "Peter." Why? He had the keys. Is that right? He changed his name and made him a rock. Is that right? Peter had the keys, because he was the one who had the keys to the Kingdom.

"A new name, a new name written in this rock that nobody knows but he himself." He knows who he is, but he can't tell others. See, see? No one knows but himself. See? Peter knows he had the keys, but you didn't hear him bragging about it. See? These guys who brag about what they are is usually nothing. "A white rock, and in it a new name," not his own name, but he's somebody else (See?) that only he himself knows (he that's got the rock, the name). See, special manna to feed the church, remember.






Revelation 2:17. "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."

  Each message to each age holds out an incentive to the believer, encouraging him to be an overcomer and thereby be rewarded of the Lord. In this age the Spirit is promising the hidden manna and a new name written in a white stone.




It also says here that He is going to give the overcomer a white stone and in (not on) the stone a new name, which the owner alone knows. Now the idea of a new name is a familiar one. Abram was changed to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, Simon to Peter, and Saul to Paul. These names either brought about a change, or were given because of a change. It was only after Abram and Sarai had their names changed by the Lord that they were made ready to receive the coming son. In Jacob's case, he had to overcome and then he was called a prince. In the case of Simon and Saul, when they had received the Lord, their change came. And today each one of us true believers has had a change in name. We are Christians. It is a name common to all of us. But one day we will have another change; we will of a certainty receive a new name. It could well be that name was our true and original name written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world. He knows the name, but we do not. One day at His good pleasure, we will know also.



  75    What have we got, the Pentecostal people today? Too many Rickies. That word, Elvis and Ricky, you never heard of that in other days. It's a word; it's the name for this day. It goes with this. It means something.

You say, "A name means nothing." Then why did He change Abram's name to Abraham? Why did He change Saul's name to Paul, Simon's name to Peter? Why did He change His Own Name?

Why did He change Jacob to Israel? Not until he wrestled with the Lord, not until he overcome. And when Jesus overcome death, hell and the grave, the Bible said He had a new Name. And when Jacob overcome...

And if the Church can overcome, she'll stop saying, "I'm Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian." When she can overcome her creeds and the world that's drawed her in there, she'll come back to the Bride of Jesus Christ, Miss Jesus Christ. Amen.

What a sad sight, as we see Samson standing there.



  E-26    And to show him what He was going to do, He changed his name in the 17th chapter. And He changed Sarah's name. That's right. Watch those names, mean something. Why did He change Jacob's name to Israel? Why did He change Saul's name to Paul? Why did He do all those things? After He overcome and entered into glory He said that His Name was changed. In Revelations it's given a promise to those that overcome, He would make known His new Name. That's right. Every time they overcome they was given a new name.

Abraham, when he finally overcome, he was taken from the name of Abram, said, "You shall not be called Abram any more, but shall be called Abraham." Give him part of His Name, tacked His name onto it: Elo-him. H-i-m and h-a-m: Elohim. In other words, I am the Father of all things. See? And I'm making you a father of nations, so I've changed and give you part of My Name, father of nations, h-a-m. See? Elo-him, Abraham... That's a good sentence, did you ever think about that? A great evangelist today named Graham, G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham, think of it, how that God in His mercy, how He foreknows and the things that He does.

Now, notice what He did there, He changed Sarai to Sarah. Sarai's name, Sarai, to Sarah. Notice there "Sarah" means "princess." And he was father of nations. Oh, isn't that beautiful? To that old man and old woman, hundred years old now, the promise is fixing to be fulfilled.





  158-3  {283}    And Jesus, His Name on earth was Redeemer, Jesus. When He was on earth, He was the Redeemer; that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, and overcome them, and ascended on high, He received a new Name. That's the reason they holler the way they do and don't get nothing; it'll be revealed in the thunders. See?




  471-3  {98} 4. What is the--the name of the--that'll be on the people of Revelations 3:12?

I--I don't know. Yeah. He said give them a new name. I--I--I don't know what that is. See? It'll be probably made known when we get there, but I--I don't know what it is now. See? See, He is going to do that. See? He give them a new name that--that they just knowed themselves. See?




  "And I will write my NEW Name upon him." My New Name. When ALL becomes new, then He will take upon Him a new Name and that Name will be the Name of the bride also. What that Name is, none dare conjecture. It would have to be a revelation of the Spirit given so conclusively that none would dare deny it. But no doubt He will leave that revelation to the day when He desires to give that Name forth. Suffice it to know that it will be more wonderful than we could ever imagine.




  16    Now, we've had the church ages now on down until tonight's church age is the sixth church age. Tomorrow night finishing up the church ages, taking one each night, Monday through Sunday... And tonight the church age is called the Philadelphian Church Age. And the star or the--the messenger, angel messenger to that church age, we believe, solemnly, with all of our heart, to be John Wesley.

The church age begin at 1750 when the Lutheran church age went out and lasted up to somewhere in 1900, around 1906 A.D., the Wesleyan church age. And then issued in from that, the Laodicea.

And now, the age is the age of, church age of brotherly love, the great missionary age and the open door age. And the reward was a--a pillar, made a pillar, and the revelation of three Names: the Name of God, the Name of the City of God, and God's New name, is the revelation that was given to this church, this age. And now, the church... This age begins in Revelations 3:7 down to the 13th verse, and the 13th verse inclusive, Revelations 3:7 to 13.