Notes used in the Message


07-1010 - The Book of Revelations Pt 14 ( The Morning Star ) - Samuel Dale




  18     ¶  And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass;



  19    I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last [to be] more than the first.



  20    Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.



  21    And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.



  22    Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.



  23    And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.



  24    But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.



  25    But that which ye have [already] hold fast till I come.



  26    And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:



  27    And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.



  28    And I will give him the morning star.



  29    He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.








Revelation 2:18, "These things saith the Son of God, Who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass."

  The revelation of Godhead to the Thyatirean Age is that Jesus is the Son of God. Once in the days of His flesh He was known as the Son of Man. But henceforth we know Him no more after the flesh. He is no longer the Son of Man, the Great Prophet, Who in Himself gathered together all prophecies. The Only Begotten is back in the bosom of the Father. Now we know Him after the power of the resurrection. He is risen and has taken unto Himself His mighty power and is above all and over all to the praise of His own glory. His glory will He not share with another. His leadership over the church He will not surrender to any man.



He looks down upon Thyatira, and here He sees in that city and in that fourth age the honor which belongs to Him alone, bestowed upon another. His eyes blaze with the fire of wrath and judgment as He sees Apollo revered as the Son of God, when He alone is the Only Begotten of the Father. How awful must be His judgment upon the religion of the Thyatirean Age wherein the church members like the pagan worshippers of the son of god (Apollo the son of Zeus), elevate a human ruler to adoration, backed by the power of the state. For that is exactly what He saw. The Roman Catholic Church, fully immersed in idol worship based upon the rites of the sun god (Apollo) had elevated a man to actual deity (pope) through the marriage of the church to the state. For Thomas Aquinas and Alverus Pelagius formulated and stated that: "The Pope seems to those who view him with the spiritual eye, to be, not a man but a God. There are no bounds to his authority. He can declare to be right what he will and can take away from any their rights as he sees fit. To doubt this universal power leads to being shut out from salvation. The great enemies of the church are the heretics who will not wear the yoke of true obedience."



  58    Jesus in the Gospel had four titles; we brought that: Son of David, heir to the throne; Son of Abraham, the royal grant; Son of man, heir of the earth; Son of God, heir to all things, the royal grant.

In the Old Testament, property could not be--could not be held any longer than fifty years. It could not be annihilated from its original owner but fifty years. And on the fortieth day He paid the price. On the fiftieth day, the redemption and the power that belonged to the Church that was lost in the garden of Eden was redeemed back and sent to us by the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the fiftieth day.



  34    Man in the beginning, when he was made, a man is a god. He's absolutely a god, for he was made in the image of God, being a son of God, and then he's an heir of all that God is. And man was given a domain, and the domain was the earth. You have power over the fishes, over the fowls of the air, and over everything. He could just speak, and everything obeyed him, because he was a--a god within himself: not universal God, but I mean the God of heavens and earth; but he was a--a ruler o--or in his domain. He was a king, a king-ruler. That was man. And even now in his fallen estate now, he still has the appearance...



  44    Now, we find out that He had eyes like flames of fire. That eyes then like flames of fire... Once them eyes was dimmed with human tears. It could stand and weep over a man dying, and knowing in the next five minutes he was going to live again; but just human sympathy... But behind that was such power He could look right through a man's life and tell him who he was and all about it. Because it was coming now in this reflection as fire. Eyes can look to and fro through the earth and see everything that's going on. Where will you stand in the day of judgment? Your sins will be naked before Him.

And you notice He had out of His mouth, a--a sharp two-edged sword, which we found was the Word.

We seen His feet was "fine brass, and so forth, which meant His foundation. He tread the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God, and tramped down and took sin upon Him, and waded out, and pleased God. That's right. And His foundation is our foundation.



  "There is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (the Son of God.)" I Timothy 2:5. But the pope of Rome has changed the Word. He made it, "one mediator between God and man (not men)". So now he mediates between the mediator and men. But there is no other mediator save the Son. The pope pronounces salvation through the church of Rome. But there is no salvation except through the Son of God. No wonder the eyes blaze in fiery judgment. No wonder the feet are like fine brass as He stands ready to trample into powder and dust the wicked kingdoms of this world. Thank God for those strong feet of brass. They have passed through the judgment for us. They are now our foundation for what He gained is ours. We stand identified in Him, Jesus the Son of God.



  47    Now, we find here, each time when He meets a church age, He addresses him as one of His Deity Names. Now, we find out back there, the first in all revelations is the Deity, the Supreme Deity of Jesus Christ: "I am He that was, which is, and shall come. I am the First and the Last, the Almighty God." See, the first revelation... John turned to look what was talking to him. The first thing He addressed him at...

Any king, when he's addressed, he--he tells who he is; anybody. "I am So-and-so when I speak to you; you don't know me. I'm William Branham. I'm John Doe," whoever it is.

He said, "I am the First and the Last, He that was alive and is dead, am alive forevermore." Oh, my. The Deity... Here we see Him in His sevenfold Personage of His glorified state. In each church age He--He approaches them in a different one of those Deities, a different one of those glorified states.



  52    Now, in this day that this revelation came, or was to this church, it was a day that Rome had built upon the great stones of their place of hay and straw. But He's addressing this church that He still remains the flaming fires that looks down through the time, and His foundation is not hay, stubble, but it's a solid, tried brass in the fiery furnace. The foundation is sure. I love that. We know where we're standing,



  153    Now, the next is the Thyatira. Let's find out what the overcomer had in--in that day. Let's take the 26 verse.

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give the power over the nations: (That's right.)

And... shall rule them with a rod of iron; and as the vessel of a potter shall they be broken into shivers: even as I received of my Father.

See? With Him in His throne. Christ is to rule the nations with a rod of iron, and here is the Church that overcome setting in there with Him to break the nations with a rod of iron.

Now, let's take then to the Sardis church. Now, the 5th verse of the 3rd chapter:

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and... the holy angels. (That's to the overcomer in Sardis.)











  "And I will give him the morning star." According to Revelation 22:16, and II Peter 1:19, Jesus is the Morning Star. "I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star." "Until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." The Spirit is, therefore, making a promise to the elect of the Dark Ages relative to Himself and then in the ages to come.



As we have already stated, Jesus identifies Himself with the messengers of each age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for each period. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world and into full union with Jesus Christ. These messengers are called stars because they shine with a borrowed or reflected light of the Son, even Jesus. They are also called stars because they are 'holders of light' at night. Thus in the darkness of sin, they bring the light of God to His people.



This is the Dark Ages. It is especially dark for the Word of the Lord is almost entirely hidden from the people. Knowledge of the Most High has almost ceased. Death has overcome vast numbers of the believers until their ranks are decimated. The things of God are at the lowest ebb to this date, and it seemed that Satan would surely conquer God's people.



If ever a people needed a promise embracing the land where there is no night, it was the people of the Dark Ages. And that is why the Spirit is promising them the morning star. He is telling them that the Chief Star, even Jesus, Who dwelleth in Light unto which no man can approach, will in the future kingdom illuminate them by His own personal presence. He will not be using the stars (messengers) to give light in darkness any longer. It will be Jesus, Himself, speaking to them face to face as He shares His kingdom with them.



It is the morning star that is visible when the light of the sun commences to shine. When our Sun, (Jesus) comes, there will be no further need of messengers; He will bring us His message of cheer Himself; and as He rules His kingdom, and we live in His presence, the light of the Word will become brighter and brighter in our perfect day.



  E-33    Let's go over to the Revelation. Jesus said Himself, "He that overcometh, I will give him the morning star." The Bible said that. What is it? A overcomer, one that's overcome the world, overcome self, overcome pride. "I'll make him the morning star." What does it to do? "I'll shine him up and set him up there that I can... by My oncoming power will reflect My own Presence (Hallelujah.) in the darkness. He that overcomes, will I give the morning star." What's the morning star set there for? To reflect the sun coming. What is the morning star? Is the sun shining against it, reflecting the presence of the coming of the sun. It's the brightest thing in heaven. The brightest thing in heaven ought to be today, and is today, the minister, or the Christian, or the Spirit filled man that's so filled with the Holy Spirit till he's forsaken the world and everything. And God is reflecting His light, coming through him, warning the world that the approaching S-o-n is at hand. Oh, what hour...



  E-34    Closing, I might say this: "Watchman, what of the night?" The morning star will reflect it. The morning star will reflect the sun. Now, I'm calling to you morning stars, every one of you. Don't turn your lights off; don't turn your alarm off. If you're getting smuttied up and your eyes dimmed out with the things of the world, polish yourself, morning stars. Take the sin out of your life. Get the unbelief away from you that the Son of God, Him coming will--you can reflect His Presence. Reflect Jesus in your neighborhood, all you morning stars.

As one of His watchman, that He has put me in the tower, one of them, I say this tonight, the oncoming Son is approaching. Reflecting His coming...



  E-46    Does the Bible say... Now, look. I could stand here and preach; you've heard that all along. But the Bible said that in the last days right at this time, before the coming of the Lord, that there'd be a spirit come on earth inveiled in human flesh--man, like it was at Sodom and would be able to discern the thoughts of the mind, like that Angel did there, as it was in the days of Sodom. How many understands that, just raise up your hands, that you--you caught it, you know. See? That's exactly. Now, Who was that? That was Christ in that man. Now, He was a man; He wasn't a theophany. He--he was--He wasn't a myth. He wasn't a myth. He was a man. He eat flesh, drinking milk, and eat bread.

Now, I'm not that Man. But the Spirit of Jesus Christ is here, and you can be that man, or whoever He's chose to be that one, that He can work through. I'll... "He that'll overcome (overcome himself, overcome his own thoughts, overcome the world, overcome all things), then I'll give him the morning star to reflect the light." What light? The light of the approaching Son.



  139    In the Book of Revelations, that I'm writing, one man who is translating or grammarizing... My grammar's so poor; I've got a--a good scholar to grammarize it, put the right nouns and pronouns together. Which I don't know which is the difference between a noun and a pronoun. But--but he does, and he's putting them on... I know... The only thing I know, God gives It to me and I just write It down. See? And they--they have to put it so if it goes into schools and things, they--they know what can read it more in their way of understanding. And then the writer said to me, the--the grammar, the man that's grammarizing it, said to me, he said, "But, Brother Branham, we find in the Pergamos church age... That Jesus said here, 'he that overcometh, I will give him the Morning Star.' Give him the Morning Star?" He said, "Now, how could he get the Morning Star, when Jesus said Himself that He is the Morning Star?"



  140    See, all those seeds of Abraham are reflected by stars, and they different one from another, and we'll different one from another. And Jesus is that Morning Star, the brightest of all of them. But we find Him in Revelations 1, with seven stars in His hand. He interprets that, and said, "These seven stars are the seven angels to the seven churches," or the seven church ages that's coming.

Then he said, "How could it be then, if they got the Morning Star?"

I said, "The stars that were in His hand were only the reflection stars from the Morning Star (See?), for the messenger of that day had the Word." And He is the Word; he just had the portion for that day. And the people that's ready to come away from the world systems and world things and walk with Him, sees the reflection of the Morning Star through the messenger of that age. As He did through Noah, and through Moses, and so forth, as He reflected the Old Testament.

Finally they all arrived to One. And so will it at the end of the church ages; it'll all arrive back to Jesus, that He is the Word. We as Christians are only reflecting Him.



  143    The moon only reflects the sun in its absence. And the believer only reflects the Son of God in the absence of the Son of God. It's the Light of the Bible, the Scriptures, being vindicated in our lives, the Word that makes Light in darkness. You are candles that sets upon a hill. That ain't the sun; it's a candle. The candle just takes the place of the sun, just shows a certain amount of light. We are God's children; we are sons and daughters of God, only by the Spirit with portion. He had It without a portion. We are a star that's shining, all of us together make a Light to the world; but He's the entire Son that reflects the Light of every star. Hallelujah. I believe Him. God help my unbelief.




  "And I will give him the morning star." According to Revelation 22:16, and II Peter 1:19, Jesus is the Morning Star. "I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star." "Until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." The Spirit is, therefore, making a promise to the elect of the Dark Ages relative to Himself and then in the ages to come.



As we have already stated, Jesus identifies Himself with the messengers of each age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for each period. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world and into full union with Jesus Christ. These messengers are called stars because they shine with a borrowed or reflected light of the Son, even Jesus. They are also called stars because they are 'holders of light' at night. Thus in the darkness of sin, they bring the light of God to His people.



This is the Dark Ages. It is especially dark for the Word of the Lord is almost entirely hidden from the people. Knowledge of the Most High has almost ceased. Death has overcome vast numbers of the believers until their ranks are decimated. The things of God are at the lowest ebb to this date, and it seemed that Satan would surely conquer God's people.



If ever a people needed a promise embracing the land where there is no night, it was the people of the Dark Ages. And that is why the Spirit is promising them the morning star. He is telling them that the Chief Star, even Jesus, Who dwelleth in Light unto which no man can approach, will in the future kingdom illuminate them by His own personal presence. He will not be using the stars (messengers) to give light in darkness any longer. It will be Jesus, Himself, speaking to them face to face as He shares His kingdom with them.



It is the morning star that is visible when the light of the sun commences to shine. When our Sun, (Jesus) comes, there will be no further need of messengers; He will bring us His message of cheer Himself; and as He rules His kingdom, and we live in His presence, the light of the Word will become brighter and brighter in our perfect day.



  577-417    Well, when he comes again, he's to turn right back around (did you notice, before the world was destroyed, "the great and terrible day of the Lord") and turn the hearts of the children to the fathers, the evening--the evening star which was the morning star at that time. Amen.

I hope--I hope I get it right. See? The evening star which was the morning star, 'cause it's the same star. We're in the west, looking east. They was in the east, looking west. It's exactly the same star. See what I mean? It depends on where you're at (See?) whether it's the eastern star or the western star. You see what I mean? All right.



  E-17    An absolute is like the north star when you're lost. When you've--when you've lost your direction and you want to find your way back, the north star is an absolute. Now there's other stars, but they turn with the world. As the world turns around them, the--it turns away from them. And the... Did you know, the same morning star is the evening star also, because the world's just turned around. But there's one star that does not move, and it's centered right in the middle of the earth. And therefore, the--it's a--it's a sure star, If you know the north star you can always find your way around. But, oh, that's--when a man's lost, and he doesn't know just which way to go...



  E-39    How do you know whether it's... Which is up and down? If the world's standing in space, is the north pole up or the south pole up? Which one is it? See? And you say, "Oh, the morning star, and the evening star." It's both the same star. See, the same light was given in the morning is the same evening star. The world's just turned around, that's all. See, so it's not so complicated after all. It's just simple faith to believe God.

Notice. The way up, I said, is down. He... We must believe God. We must take Him at His word. We must not try to figure things out, but just whatever God says, the real true Spirit of God will punctuate every Word of God with an "Amen." The Holy Spirit wrote the Word. And if the Holy Spirit wrote the Word, and the Holy Spirit's in you, how can It say, "Well, that was for another age." How can it say... When It says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and you try to place it off in some age back there, or some age to come?