Notes used in the Message


07-0930 - The Book of Revelations Pt 11 ( The Overcomer ) - Samuel Dale




  1     ¶  Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;



  2    I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:



  146    So He, God, came down after going through this, and now every son, that you eat and born of a natural sexual birth, the way you come; then when it comes to a place to where you go through water baptism, then Holy Ghost baptism, then the Holy Ghost comes down at the fire baptism and claims this creation, the same as it did Him. The Holy Ghost and God is the same Spirit (See?); It comes down and claims this body for the resurrection. And He was raised for our justification, "All the Father has given Me will come, not one will be lost. I'll raise it up at the last day. Not one hair of their head will even perish." That is the beginning of the creation of God. This is the continuation of the creation of God. Then the whole earth has to have a baptism. And then the Holy Ghost comes down in a city to dwell upon the earth, and the tabernacle of God is with men, and dwells with them; God has tabernacled here on earth. This whole redemption plan, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, the same as it is then.




  E-42    Then, I was thinking as we passing along there, of those wonderful thoughts, how Eden must have been. And then when man sinned... I have my thought, my conception of it. You can have yours. But God drove them out. An Angel stood at the gate, and begin to guard the gate, and no one could come in, or out, of that gate to keep them away from the Tree of Life.

Now, the Tree of Life, I believe, was Jesus Christ. "He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has Everlasting Life." He is the Tree of Life. God was a guarding it with a Cherubim, an Angel with a flaming sword.

Now, then when Cain and Abel realized that they were mortal beings and had to die someday, then they come to find favor before God. And each one of them... Cain was a tiller of the soil. Abel was a shepherd. And notice, each one of them come to worship God.



"The Tree Of Life." Isn't that a beautiful figure of speech? It is mentioned three times in the Book of Genesis and three times in the Book of Revelation. In all six places it is the same tree and symbolizes exactly the same thing.



But what is the Tree Of Life? Well, first of all we would have to know what the tree itself stands for. In Numbers 24:6, as Balaam described Israel, he said they were "trees of lign aloes which the Lord hath planted." Trees throughout the Scriptures refer to persons, as in Psalms 1. Thus the Tree Of Life must be the Person of Life, and that is Jesus.