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07-0902am - The Book of Revelations Pt 1 - Samuel Dale




  1     ¶  The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John:



  2    Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.

I PETER 1:13

  13     ¶  Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;



The scribe (not author) of this book is St. John the divine. Historians agree that he lived the last part of his life in Ephesus, though at the time of the writing of this book he was on the Isle of Patmos. It is not the life story of John, but it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the future church ages. In verse three it is called a prophecy and that is actually what it is.



This book is usually termed the Revelation of Saint John, but that is incorrect. It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to John for Christians of all ages. It is the only book in the entire Bible that is written by Jesus Himself, through personally appearing to a scribe.



It is the last book of the Bible, yet it tells the beginning and the end of the dispensations of the Gospel.



Now the Greek word for revelation is "apocalypse" which means "unveiling". This unveiling is perfectly described in the example of a sculptor unveiling his work of statuary, exposing it to the onlooker. It is an uncovering, revealing what was previously hidden. Now the uncovering is not only the revelation of the Person of Christ, but it is THE REVELATION OF HIS FUTURE WORKS IN THE ONCOMING SEVEN CHURCH AGES.



Now I said that this Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus and what He is doing in the churches for those seven ages. It is a revelation because the disciples, themselves, didn't know these recorded truths. It had not been previously revealed to them. You remember that they came to Jesus in the Book of Acts and asked Him, "Are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" And He said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons." Those men were still thinking of Jesus having an earthly kingdom. But it was a spiritual kingdom that He was going to build. Even He could not tell them about His place in it, for the Father had not revealed it unto Him. But now after His death and resurrection, and at this particular time in His mediatorial ministry, He is able to set forth here in this revelation of Himself to John what His glory and presence in the church would mean and do.




  74-1    He, the Head, is the Firstfruits of the resurrection. (We'll go off this revelation. Just a little while longer, if you say so. All right, all right; just a little bit now.) He is the Firstfruits of the resurrection. Is that right? What? Then what is He? He's the Head of the Body, which is His Church, Bride. Uh-huh. Then the Bride-body must follow the Head, for it is part of His resurrection and part of the mystery. It's impossible for it not to go. Oh, my. It's part of God's mystery. How God revealed Himself here and raised it up by the Word, so He reveals the Church and raises it up by the same Word. It's a part of His threefold mystery.